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Everything posted by Vindicated

  1. i was at the NW airfield, when i saw a 3 people at the N barracks with there car then i shot one with a DMR, then shot the next person 4 time in the chest with the DMR and they didnt die, then all of a sudden everyone got TP'ed to elecktro i Disconnected straight away, and i was listening in to the lobby where everyone was raging and Swifty said "there was a guy shooting us right next to our car", which coincidentally sounds like it was me shooting them right next to the car, then a few minutes later when i thought it was safe that the hacker was gone i logged into the server. Then, i got banned from the server, which i believe it is Swifty banning people because there has been a lot of people that have been banned because of admin abuse. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108825-au-500-swifty-admin-abuse/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105386-au-500-swifty-admin-abuse/ This Needs To be Dealt With
  2. Vindicated

    Hacker On AU1

    Around 12:00 (10+GMT) I was running back to camp when all of a sudden everyone got teleported off a top of a building and died.