Two people in my squad were stuck logging in with the shock status no matter what we did. Every time any of us would log in we would immediately pass out no matter how long we spent online, logged out, or playing. Every time we rejoined the game we would be rendered unconscious. I've seen similar issues while being involved in alpha tests for other games so I had an idea on how to tackle this one. Step 1: Install an earlier beta patch for arma. I used 94364 Step 2: Log into a server that doesn't require the newest beta patch (There are tons of them) Step 3: Reinstall the current beta patch 94444 Step 4: Play as usual and repeat as needed. Explanation: I noticed that this status effect was removed when I updated to the newest beta.After this worked once simply reinstalling the beta wasn't enough to remove the status effect. I downgraded to another beta release and proceeded to reupdate to the newest version to remove the pesky shock status from my character. I feel like this is an important post because as a developer myself I could see this producing a "eureka" moment for someone who might understand the Arma engine better than myself and could lead to a faster fix. The beta patches can be found here Final Note: This worked for myself and one other case. I feel like this might be a working solution until the mod gets patched to a point where this is no longer an issue. Your mileage may vary. Edit: This might not be the proper place for this. Hopefully a mod can move this or another player can direct me to the proper subforum. Sorry for being lazy, I'm typing this between breaks from the game. Edit 2: Someone made a comment on the corresponding subreddit thread assuming that people were just logging out with the shock status and getting their just deserts upon logging back in. Rest assured that this is not the case. A small but significant portion of the player base seem to have characters that retain the "shock" status indefinitely.