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Everything posted by thenine11@live.com

  1. Hello survivors I am the leader/founder of the Solar Phlare survivor group I am searching for new recruits for a "tier 2" of sorts. This groups is becoming a YouTube group and would like to have a second squad of survivors to show another perspective in our videos. 5 recruits wanted The types of players we are looking for include the following: a sniper or marksman willing to hang back and watch over/cover the rest of the squad, a leader willing to plan out the teams next movements and effectively make good decisions under pressure, a point man to clear out buildings and lead the squad in formations and quickly scout areas ahead of the rest of the squad, a riflemen to work with the sniper as a spotter also as lookout to inform the group wen they are immobile, a assault man to work with the point man to clear out buildings and eliminate threats.
  2. thenine11@live.com

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello everyone my name is karma I am looking for new people for my survivor group
  3. thenine11@live.com

    Body Armor

    I could imagine that body armor would be an effective idea but if this was added there would have to be different levels. For example a lighter ballistic vest would be something related to the molle vest some characters ware by default but the more advanced would be something like "dragon scale" ballistic vest which can stop .45 caliber rounds (colt m1911) which is quite a large caliber and can stop m67 grenades from point blank range if this was added and was realistically accurate to actual body armor it would be very cool indeed.
  4. thenine11@live.com


    Items you pick up should have a set weight and your character should have a maximum carry load. I just think this should be in the mod because having like 3 truck wheels in your backpack with no compensation is a little ridiculous.
  5. thenine11@live.com


    With some guns there is a chance with it spawning with an attachment but what if attachments spawned by themselves and you could find them, mix and match them with other guns. For example if you found an flashlight and either a mount for a pistol or some duck tape which could be a substitution for a mount then you could attach that flashlight to your pistol. This would be really cool if it wasn't to much of a hassle to add.
  6. thenine11@live.com


    Since temperature has been added rain and night pose a slight threat but not much of one. Maybe there could be different seasons with different chances of certain weather according to the real time month and position of server in the world. For example it would be winter in an east coast server in December to about march or April during this time there would be a chance of snow for a number of hours which would require a survivor to warm themselves some how during this time or get a cold and possible die from that cold if not treated with heat packs or a fire. This might be a little too realistic but idk it's just something I thought would be pretty cool.
  7. thenine11@live.com

    Story Time

    Hello everyone I have made this thread for a place for people to share their crazy awesome DayZ stories.
  8. thenine11@live.com


    This seems like a good idea but the different chances to get certain loot seems a little unfair to the other classes still a good thought though
  9. Openable tents could be a place to sleep and to replenish stamina which would decrease from the following: running for extended periods, staying awake for 10hrs+. Sleeping could also be another way to log out of the server. Adjustable binoculars could a military grade version of binoculars with a range of like 100m-500m or something similar they could also be a little more rare and in military buildings and crash sites.