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Warlord Bob

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About Warlord Bob

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    Rochester MN
  1. Warlord Bob

    Question , again!

    You didn't get this from me... http://kodabar.blogspot.dk/2012/05/how-to-install-dayz-with-arma-2-free.html You might want to go ahead and get the Arma 2 demo from steam (Arma 2 free)
  2. Warlord Bob

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Wikipedia: The M249 is gas operated and air-cooled. It has a quick-change barrel, allowing the gunner to rapidly replace an overheated or jammed barrel. A folding bipod is attached near the front of the gun, though an M192 LGM tripod is also available. It can be fed from both linked ammunition and STANAG magazines, like those used in the M16 and M4. This allows the SAW gunner to use rifleman's magazines as an emergency source of ammunition in the event that he runs out of linked rounds. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M249
  3. Server: DayZ - US 1620 UTC+8 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by TC DayZ Survivors Time: 8/6/2012 Between 1:00 am and 1:20 am CST (UTC -6) What happened: Two people on hill North West of Elektrozavodsk. I just west of the barn at (099 127) when a UAZ came over the hill behind me driving directly for me. He hit me and sent me skidding a little ways down the hill, I was bleeding with broken bone and in shock. When the player exited the UAZ I unloaded most of a clip full auto into him, verified with hit damage marks. He ran over and shot me close range with a 107. He got back in the UAZ and proceeded directly to my friend and did the same to him, friend put a M24 round into the player's leg without slowing him down. Respawned Cap Golova, ran back in the direction where I had died. Just west of the original location (095 125) a 107 was fired near me, I ran and took cover behind an embankment so I was hidden from the direction the shot came from. I looked around a tree and the player fired again. I saw the muzzle flash (smoke) from the shot about 6 meters away, and for a split second I saw bleeding coming from where the muzzle flash was. Shot hit the tree, I ducked down and watched 1800 in front of me, then I was shot at point blank, no player visible. Same thing happened to friend soon after. No UAZ this time. Suspected: ESP (wallhack), vehicle spawning, No damage, Invisible hack, teleporting Players killed: Warlord Bob, pwheeler
  4. Warlord Bob

    A WTF moment...

    I think I somehow survived one of these mass teleports. I was in Berezino near the military tents, watching from a treeline to make sure everything was clear. Was about to head out when I noticed a zed farther off then I should be able to spawn. Watched that location a bit and sure enough heard gunshots coming from the north supermarket. I was turning ( in binocular view ) back to the camp when all of a sudden my view through the binoculars switch to somewhere outside of the map boundaries (no trees or grass). I quickly switched out of binocular view, which oddly took a second, and found I was right where I should be. Next thing, everyone else on the server was killed. I disconnected as fast as I could, and from the lobby saw everyone who was left die again.
  5. Maybe because of the infinite ammo exploit with these two weapons? I see a lot less people using them now.
  6. Warlord Bob

    Ban all Bandits!

    I always have found the whole TL;DR concept odd, if you can't stand reading words wtf are you doing on a forum? I also think you left out one of the biggest reasons for 'Banditry', because people find it fun and entertaining to cause misery to others. Just look at NightRipper up there and you have a perfect example. I'm not going to go into the types of people who act like this, no need to start that flame war. Basically as long as people can, they will as long as they think they can get away with it. I mean, just think how different the internet would be if all anonymity was taken away.
  7. Yeah, I was on last night before it went down. Sounds like they were having some trouble with new recruits over in Green Mountain. Last thing I saw before logging for the night was "Green Mountain is now in lockdown". Next thing I know the server goes off line. Looks like its back up now.
  8. This is an application for three people actually; we are all interested in becoming GMS members Names: Chris / Jason / Patrick Age: 31, 35, 36 In game name: Warlord_Bob / Dax_Scrim / PWheeler Steam Id: War Lord Bob / Dax Scrim / patrick.w.wheeler Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Long range expedition squad. (multi-role) Why we would like to join: We've been roaming by ourselves with no server or clan to call home. We would love to join a larger community and really get more out of this already great game. We've always had the mindset to avoid talking lives unless required to do so, and even helping the wayward traveler if they allow us to do so. What can you offer to the clan: Defence of Green Mountain. Joining the clan for events and down time as well as providing the community with our services and supplies whenever needed. Reporting locations of crash sites and vehicles. Gathering equipment, supplies and ammo on request (clan wish list).
  9. Here's an idea / gameplay mechanic to help people think twice before murdering everyone they see. The idea: having fresh "blood on your hands" attracts zombies. Gameplay change: when you commit murder, your base visibility / audibility go up. The amount that they go up and duration (permanent / time limit) of course would have to be tested and balanced. I'm not saying that someone with 5 murders are going to act as a walking Ural, there will have to be some limit.