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Sparks (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sparks (DayZ)

  1. Hey, I just wanted to say some serious stuff went down in Krasnostav tonight. My friends Hugh Jazz, ShineShooter, TonyRockyHorror, and I went were running around that area near the NE airfield for a few hours tonight. We encountered some guys that had what we think was a GAZ at the NE airfield. They decided shooting at Tony and I with a sniper on the slope of the south hill would be fun. We managed to get away and meet up with Jazz and Shine and shortly there after Tony logged off. The interesting part began when two of us decided to head out west like 45 minutes after the sniper incident and began going through the trees north of Krasnostav and west of the airfield. Shine had headed out east to find a place to log off for the night in the trees. We see to the south a huge billowing column of black smoke. We decide to check it out thinking it was a helicopter crash and begin heading over. We had no idea just how right we were. From the tree line, we look out into the middle of the field south of the two big barns and we see a crashed HUEY, complete with the bodies of 2 or 3 survivors next to the burning remains. We tell Shine over TS what we found and he reconnects and quickly begins making his way back. In the mean time I take up position on the hill north of the barns with my DMR as Jazz heads down the hill to the barns to get a closer look. Just as I look through the scope I see that someone had just arrived at the crash and was looting the bodies. At this point I wasn't about to let someone take anything from that crash, after all, we saw the smoke first right? RIGHT! That was our Crash now! Also it looked like he had a giant gun and personally I didn't want that in the area able to fire in my direction. So I opened fire with the DMR. I hit him once and he started bleeding. Very quickly he got up and begin zigzagging south. I sent a an entire clip of ammo at him to send him on his way and hopefully make sure he would not be coming back. Jazz waited at the barns for a few minutes after the gun shots to give the the guy I was shooting at plenty of time to GTFO. After that he made his way to the chopper. Trying to be quick he aggro'd several nearby zeds but between my covering fire and his AKM he got to the chopper in relatively short order. Knowing that anyone within two kilometers would be able to see that billowing smoke I urged him to very quickly look at the bodies, take the most valuable thing and get back so we can make our escape. He went quickly but took a little longer than I liked while I continued to cover him and shoot zombies off him. Finally he began running away from the crash north back towards barns. Five fresh zeds began to follow him. I start trying to pick them off. That's when I hear, "Someone is shooting at me!" I reply "Its me getting zombies off you." and I hear "No, its someone with an automatic weapon!" It is currently raining and I cannot hear the gun shots firing at my friend. I frantically try to find the shooter while Jazz runs for the barns but I just could not locate the guy. Unfortunately, they hit Jazz's leg just as he was getting to the safety of the barn and then quickly finished him off. Heart pounding, I continue scanning. All I could do now was wait for Shine to there. After about 5 minutes he manages to get to a position SE of my location and begins making his way to the crash. It is at this moment that I see someone new. A female character with a bandit mask on their head running along a concrete wall (I think) west of the crash chopper. I waited until they stopped at the edge of the wall to look at the crash and then fired. I broke her leg, and she began to try and roll away. However, thinking that she might be the person who shot Jazz I took no chances and fired until I saw "eye_socket has been killed". Sorry eye_socket but I wasn't in the mood to take chances, especially after losing a buddy and a second buddy about to put himself in mortal danger to get Jazz's stuff back. Over the next 5 to 10 minutes Shine made his way to the barns and got to Jazz's body. He looted the valuable items he could and made his way back to me without another shot being fire. We quickly GTFO of there with 5 minutes left before the server restart. HOLY HELL that was intense. So for those of you reading this I just want to ask: What the hell happened there? Why did that chopper crash? Who shot Jazz? Who was the guy that ran into the woods after I shot him? Who were the guys with the GAZ that decide to take shots at Tony and I? If you have any information about your side of the story I'd love to hear it. Your mostly friendly neighbor, -Sparks
  2. Sparks (DayZ)

    Weapons you want in DayZ?

    Bow and Arrow. Uses the same ammo as the crossbow, reloads faster, does either less damage or has more arrow drop or something. If I cant have that, then I want the hunting knife to be wieldable. lol
  3. i found one at the NWAF once, didn't have the time or the want to try and repair it though.
  4. Hey I would like to be added to the whitelist, ingame name "Sparks". Ive been off and on a lot over the past week.
  5. Sparks (DayZ)

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    Well I just tried this over night. I put my tent down and stuffed an m16A2 and 1 ammo clip into it right before the server restarted. After the server restarted I went back and checked the tent, the gear was still there. So I went and got my hands on a few more weapons and placed them in the tent and went to bed for the night. Just to make sure I removed the 1 ammo clip for the m16a2 to see if the tent was duping stuff. Sure enough when I checked it next the tent only had the m16a2 and an exact copy of the ammo clip inside. So for my one attempt its still broke. I'm going to try again though. This stayed the same even after the server restarted again. Possible issues that invalidate my experience. 1. I tried this on a private hive. 2. It was a tent that I found and had in my inventory from (No idea why this should matter) Anyone have the above experience? Like I said I'm going to try again.
  6. Like the server settings, but the server is getting repeatedly attacked by hackers. Every time I have played hackers have been having a field day. I think we either need more admins, or password the server and get some kind of white list.
  7. Sparks (DayZ)

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    I understand the backstabbing, and I understand the garbage put down to justify it. If you shoot someone who tried to help you in the head, then congrats to you. Your amazing at this game. Take your loots and move north secure in the knowledge that you sure showed him. Villains are part of what makes this game interesting too. What Dallas said is right on the money though. If you want to help someone then help them but don't be stupid about it. To many would be heroes practically kill themselves by giving out guns and things of that nature then turning their back. Cover is a wonderful thing. The trick is to ALWAYS make sure you are the one in control of the situation, if that means making them drop there guns first, bloody make them drop their gun. If they don't, blast them. If you want to be a loner, if your convinced that you need to kill everyone to survive. Then that is how you should act. To me, this game is all about interactions between players. I have found myself actually seeking others out more and more because running around the woods has gotten so damn boring. I look forward to the next time someone tries to backstab me just as much as the next time I make a new friend. The stories that come out of it are just to damn good to pass up. I think the main lesson to be learned from the OP is this. DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON SOMEONE YOU JUST MET, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE ARMED. If they are armed and they point that gun at you, shoot them.
  8. Sparks (DayZ)

    Roving Groups of Zombies

    Yeah I want this. Been thinking about it for awhile. There needs to be a threat while out in the woods, and roaming zombie hordes would be awesome. They should have special loot (MOUNTAIN DEW AHAHAHAHAHA), heightened senses (after all they are smart enough to stick together so it makes sense that they might be able to notice players easier), and if possible make it so they spawn in areas with highish player concentrations out in the world, perhaps even near tents cities that way players have to defend their camps from zombies too. Just make sure that the hordes stay off the coast, noobs have it hard as it is.
  9. Sparks (DayZ)

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    I prefer infected tbh. Quick bastards that are hard to shoot but easy to take down if you hit them. I wouldn't mind virus mutations that slow some down and make them harder to kill or things like that though. The reason I think the infected are best for the mod, is that it stresses the servers as it is with infected and fast zombies in lower numbers. For undead zombies that are slow to be dangerous you would need ALOT of them, HORDES OF THEM infact. I'm just throwing numbers out there but 200 or more undead in a single area would likely be needed as opposed to 50 or more infected in a single area. This would be hard on servers currently. Now for the stand alone that may or may not be an issue. I have no idea. In that game Id be happy with either result. What I would like to see in the mod right now though is small groups of 20-30 zombie packs that will spawn at random, shamble across the map to different areas, then despawn if they find no players, Only to respawn in a separate area to do so again.
  10. Sparks (DayZ)

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    Yeah I need a little more detail too. Not sure exactly what your commenting on.
  11. I do not think that banning someone for "having hacked items in tents" is a legitimate reason for banning someone. The reason for this is that the owners of the tents in question may not have been the people that placed the items in the tents. Knowingly "using a hacked item in game", is absolutely worth a ban. In this case, if what the admin says is true, then the players did "admit to using the hacked items". At that point whether they hacked the items into the game or not is immaterial. I must agree with the admin in this case if all the facts presented by him and OP are true. Conclusion: Admin was in the right. You guys should find another server.
  12. I had an AS50 once......for a grand total of 5 seconds. Found a helicopter crash, saw the AS50. Grabbed it....and IMMEDIATELY got sniped by someone with a DMR. (or whatever other guns sound like a DMR)
  13. Sparks (DayZ)

    Not all hackers are bad

    Nah sorry man, hacking shouldn't be done under any circumstance. Yes they may not have been out to ruin your fun like the majority of hackers are, but it still unbalances the game. The only time I would see hacking as appropriate is if it was done on a private server that was designed for the sole intent of people to go on their with their hacks, and even that can be questionable.
  14. Sparks (DayZ)

    Buy now or wait for stand alone?

    Personally, Id wait for the stand alone at this point. The game can be fun but to many things are not working properly (such as tents and vehicles and ghosting and alt-f4ing and hackers) to really justify buying Arma II just to play this mod. So if you plan to play Arma II and enjoy that game aswell, then yes buy it. If your just buying it for this mod, its not worth it right now. But that is just my humble opinion. Remember, your paying for Arma II: OA, do not trick yourself into thinking you are buying Day Z, and then get angry if you dislike the mod. Also What Systemik ^^^^^^ said
  15. Sparks (DayZ)

    Tents and Vehicles in

    I haven't experienced vehicles teleporting. I have experienced vehicles repairing themselves after a server restart and it always erases everything in it.
  16. Sparks (DayZ)

    Heli crash sites

    You were damn unlucky. Its also possible you were not the first one to find them. Loot at crash sites only spawn once. Usually you will find an FN FAL at the very least.
  17. Sparks (DayZ)

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Simple solution, fix tents, fix vehicles, Wipe hive, Wipe servers. Done. This is very unlikely to happen anytime soon but meh. No more, every crazy sniper has an AS50/M107. However I will say this, you don't want to be shot by a 50. cal? Play at night. Guess what guns do not work with NVG. Snipers do not need a to be turned into NERF guns. They need to be rarer, and the ammo needs to be rarer. Due to the mod item storage being broken at the moment, they are not rare. There are so many gameplay issues that would be taken care of if they fixed the damn tents and vehicles. I personally like snipers, it is such a justified feeling of awesome whenever you sneak up on one and end his existence. The problem is that due to duping he simply runs to his tent, and goes out again within 60 minutes. But that is besides the point.
  18. Sparks (DayZ)

    Hacker on US196

    I believe there is a hacker on US196 at the time of this writing. Server: US196 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - [uTC+9] Hosted by: Vilayer.com & Hindsight Approximate Time: 9:30pm PST Event description: Was playing on US196, the server just filled up and had about 40 people on it. While playing I saw a mass set of death messages, about 10-20 people all died at once. I and the guy I was playing with immediately alt-f4'd to save ourselves. Unfortunately that is all I have.
  19. This has been happening every once in awhile to me as well. It goes like this. Log on Sparks has been killed Respawn at coast, All items gone, Stats are the same Also there is a duplicate body of my character where I last logged on that has all my gear. If I can, I run back to it and everything is great. If I cant, then the stuff is lost, nothing you can do.
  20. Sparks (DayZ)

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Geez guys, there is no need to insult the guy's friend so heavily, even if he is very very wrong. It sounds like they are both relatively new to the game. To answer the OP's question, no. You NEVER EVER ABORT in the middle of danger with a few rare exceptions. Exceptions: 1. Hackers: They are breaking the rules themselves, you are within your right to GTFO anyway you can. 2. Game bugs: Such as the recent graphics glitch that makes it impossible to see, therefore impossible to run from zombies or fight back against players. 3. Emergency IRL: Dog barfing, wife/mom calling in angry voice, important phone call, etc. Your friend needs to understand that disconnecting in combat is considered an exploit and on many servers it is an offense people are banned for doing. Welcome to Day Z, you WILL die, you WILL lose your stuff, ALOT. Be it from bugs, other players, hackers, zombies, etc. If he doesn't want to deal with that, then suggest that he should probably find another game to play, one he will enjoy more. Sidenote: Also alt-f4ing/aborting to deny the guy that killed you a chance to loot your body is also a very dick move.
  21. Sparks (DayZ)


    I've been wondering this since came out. Concerning the hero skin, does anyone pay attention to it at all? Do you think twice before pulling the trigger on a person with the hero skin? I've seen threads where people claim to shoot any and all bandit towel heads on sight and not feel guilty about it, so I'm wondering if the opposite is true for the hero skin. I do not really expect bandits to pay much attention because they have nothing to lose and a humanity hit means nothing to them. If anything I expect them to target the heroes first as it implies they have been alive awhile. Survivors on the other hand have real choices to make when they spot one. At the same time however, the hero skin is easily exploitable because people can heal their bandit buddies and get it, then use it for god knows what sort of deceptions. On another note, humanity seems to be bugged out a lot for some people too so who knows what type of person is wearing what skin. Personally, I'm trying to get the hero skin just because it looks awesome, which is difficult because I normally play solo.
  22. Well if they are connected to the official Hive, then they have to follow specific guide lines or they can be separated from the hive. One of which I believe is do not screw with the game using arbitrary rules that are not enforced by actual mechanics. (Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not 100% exactly what the rules are.) As for people that have their own hive system...as far as I know, nothing is stopping them.
  23. Sparks (DayZ)

    US53 - Server Thread

    Is the server down right now? I haven't seen it around in while.
  24. Sparks (DayZ)

    Magic white blobs at side of screen

    These things have been around since I started playing a few months ago. They are part of the game, and its suppose to replicate your peripheral vision. Personally, I think its dumb as well. Helps you pick out hidden objects, makes hunting animals ridiculously easy. Needs to only point out things that are currently moving quickly imo, but I think this is an Arma thing. Not sure though.
  25. Sparks (DayZ)

    Sonic Boom & Dancing (Video / Hacks)

    Oddly...something related to the dancing happened to me. I was running around Chenarus in the woods like I normally do...and for no reason my guy puts his gun away and starts to dance. Immediately thinking a hacker was on the server, I just disconnect. Didn't want to risk a hacker nuke. Can hackers force other people to dance?