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About Jyces

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  1. Jyces

    Global chat server?

    Bring it back!
  2. Jyces

    Michael Scofield?

    this post frustrate you at all? your post confuses me, as i know a "Michael Scofield" but certainly not a "Michael Schofield"...plz explain yourself.
  3. Jyces

    Michael Scofield?

    3rd person view - default skin looks like him from behind.
  4. Jyces

    Michael Scofield?

    watch moar tv bro
  5. Jyces

    Michael Scofield?

    then i'll tell it again.
  6. Anyone else think this?
  7. Jyces

    Infected Aggro Radius

    Same thing happening to me! I was laying down crawling through the grass when a Zombie senses me from a far, far distance. This kept happening. Wasn't sure if these was intended, due to the recent patch. Sure hope not!
  8. Jyces

    Remove the Hourglass When Unconcious

    so much this
  9. This happens even without #3 being implemented. If Bandits want to group up, they are going to and are free to do so. Just as friends are free to group up to increase survival against the Zombies/Bandits. All #3 would do is make it slightly easier to do so - which would especially benefit the new players without a sense of direction.
  10. I understand that they took out starting with a gun, and overall, I agree with that decision. Melee weapon however, is completely different. Though a knife may not be as superior as a gun, it gives you some protection rather than being defenceless.
  11. I just recently bought Arma 2, and immediately downloaded this MoD after hearing about it. It (the MoD) definitely makes this game a success for myself, and I'm sure many others. Props to the creators! I believe a player finds the biggest "flaws" in a game when first starting out. Here is a few things that stood out: 1) Zombies should not be able to climb up ladders, or swim in water. 2) As a new player, it is basically impossible to play with/find friends. I found myself often playing alone, even when my friends were on the same server - this was frustrating. (continued v) 3) Allows players to add one another as friends. Friends can then "invite to group", which would show one another the players direction, and distance (like in regular Arma 2). 4) Flag bandits (players who kill other players). 5) Start players out with a weapon. Not necessarily a Gun as I know this option was taken out not long ago, but at least an Axe, Knife or some sort of melee weapon. Starting fresh, you're practically defenceless against Bandits and the large hordes of Zombies. 6) Allow certain items, such as food or medical supplies, to stack to a certain number (5-10). That is all I could think of at the moment, but I strongly believe these changes would improve game play drastically. I've played Dead Island, Left 4 Dead, CoD: Zombies, Dead Nation and a few others, and this definitely tops them all. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to future updates. Edit: Point 6 added