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About nilocshepard

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. nilocshepard

    Looking for good tactical players.

    I would love to find another tactics oriented player, i added you as a friend and my steam is nilocshepard im 17 and live in cali I can handle myself in a gun fight and have been playing for several months
  2. nilocshepard

    Anyone want to play?

    im down do you have steam? my steam is nilocshepard add me and we can talk
  3. nilocshepard

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    ivew added you both on steam and would love to squad up. thanks for posting this thread
  4. nilocshepard

    Looking to join a group

    i added you on steam, let me know if u want to team up.
  5. Ive been playing Dayz for a while now and would love to find someone to be in a squad with me, im on PST ( I think thats gmt -8?) im from the USA and am 18. Steam : nilocshepard i usually play on the roosterteeth servers i am afraid i do not have team speak, but I would be willing to get it if it became clear squad play was impossible without it.
  6. nilocshepard

    Looking for pals

    i live on the same time zone and would love a friend to play with, i added you on steam, nilocshepard.