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About coolclone

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    On the Coast
  1. Age: 16 Country: US of A, Indiana Skype (can PM me): Username: Coolclone01 Name: Robert Coleman Have you played with other clans?: Yes, several tactical realism units Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Yes, I have had experience with leadership positions and am comfortable with the role. How long have you played DayZ?: For 4-6 months What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Sniper, scout, spotter, assault, driver. List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): Extremely good shot, I can blend in with surroundings very well, have a calm and collected mind under fire, very tactical. If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: Shocked and angry. Would probably hunt them down on my own time and bring back their head.
  2. coolclone

    Task Force 519 [Tactical Realism]

    In-game Name: Coolclone Age: 16 Country: US of A Time Zone: UTC -5 How often do you play a day: Quit for a while during the great hacker spree, but I am a very active gamer. How long have you played Day Z: For several months How long have you played ArmA 2/ArmA2:OA: Little longer than Day Z What are your special skills(piloting/stealth/driving/ect): Good stealth, marksman, overwatch, infiltrator. Can drive vehicles but can't fly to save my life. What is your best role in a squad: Marksman, Scout Have you ever been in a realism unit before? Yes, a group called NCR. Back before I took a break from DayZ we would often go on 20+ raids on servers with squads. I would be in the sniping unit usually. Write a paragraph(5-6 sentences) on why you would be a good addition to the 519: I've trained myself to not have a conscience when it comes to killing in DayZ. It was either that or become the hunted. I follow orders to the period, and wont fail. If you need overwatch/sniper or a covert scout I'm the man for you. I can also drive vehicles in a pinch, but there are probably better drivers than me. Although, I haven't crashed a car yet.