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Everything posted by masterjts

  1. Rocket, you are the only person who fully sees the vision for the game. If you think dropping the bandit skins is a good idea and it fits with your vision for the game then do it. If you are dropping it because people were complaining (which it does not sound like it is) then rethink the idea. Personally I think the idea of dropping the bandit skins is a good idea. I do like the bandit skins though but they dont work as is IMHO.
  2. masterjts

    Custom face.jpg

    Does anyone know of any server that is allowing a custom face.jpg? It seems to me every server has it shut off now. Considering that is the ONLY way to really make your character unique enough to be picked out in a group I thought it would be a more popular feature. Sadly ever server I have tried to play on has it turned off. Does anyone know of a server that has it turned on? I normally play on one of the 5 hardcore servers but since they all have it turned off I may have to find a new server.
  3. I will donate if you make it (or one of the two 50 servers) a hardcore server that allows 100kb face.jpg files.
  4. masterjts

    Character customization

    Some servers allow you to use custom faces with the face.jpg. Do a search for Armaii face.jpg
  5. masterjts

    River crossings

    The loss of gear in water is an ArmaII bug not a game feature.
  6. masterjts

    Way to distinguish friendlies

    The only problem is I have yet to find a server that allows custom faces. Is that a mod setting or are the server hosts just being stingy about it? I noticed they all allow custom sounds just fine.
  7. You should think about adding deer stands.
  8. masterjts

    Binocular Zoom

    I would love to see some variety too. Binoculars monoculars range finders (1x, 2x etc) (standard, lazer etc) spotting scopes unattached rifle scopes (less FOV) variable zoom (1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x) Different functionality (standard, nightvision, IR, Heat) Obviously some would be very rare but others life unattached 1.5x rifle scopes would be all over the place.
  9. masterjts

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    Power grids take a huge number of resources and man power to keep running. In an apocalypse scenario the grids would fail fast and not come back up. I would be fine if there were just small gas generators but the main power facilities need to be down.
  10. masterjts

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Take them out if they are a problem. I like the system but at this point they dont really do what they intended because a lot of bandits are in civilian skins and a lot of civilians are in bandit skins. You dont know based on their skin right now anyways so just take it out until you can find a better solution that isnt such a PITA on the servers. On a side note. One thing I dont like about the bandit skin is the face wrap. If you are in a group you cant tell who is who because the only custom feature is covered (their face.)
  11. masterjts

    Why kill yourself?

    Someone probably killed him that had one each of the unique items already. What you dont see is that he probably had a nice gun or some other item that was stripped.
  12. masterjts

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    I only want to see the humanity reset on death. Respawning as a bandit because you were forced to defend yourself against other civilians is not fair IMHO.
  13. And he could very well decide that he likes the number and leave it here. Your point?
  14. Maybe I am wrong here but that IS what DayZ is about right now and if you dont like it why not go play left4dead or some other zombie game instead of trying to force your ideal scenario of the game onto others. The game is going to be however rocket wants in the end and if you dont like it then move along. I have faith that no matter how punishing he makes this mod it is going to have a fairly large user base BECAUSE there is no other game out there as punishing as this for a zombie survival game.
  15. masterjts

    Zombies--Too many now

    Or kill people more because killing someone nets you a larger ammo cache then fighting 30 zombies for a chance at something useful in one building... Just saying :)
  16. masterjts

    Night time darkness levels. (ATI Vs nVidia)

    I have a Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 2 GB and I see the bottom. I was playing with a few guys the other night and they could not understand how I could not see at night.. Now I understand how I keep getting killed at night lol.
  17. masterjts

    Don't listen to the casual gamers

    The only thing I have to complain about is the persistent bandit skin. I am a bandit because I had to kill someone in defense. Now I have to keep killing in defense because everyone wants to kill me and my humanity is spiraling down. They need to make it so that when you respawn you start as a civilian or at least ask if you want to keep your humanity or start fresh. Respawning as a bandit is BS IMHO.
  18. I have been trying to log into servers for the past 2 1/2 hours wit no luck. It hangs on the Waiting for Server Response. I reinstalled battlEye, restarted the computer and tried tons of other things. It just times me out and I get stuck in oblivion forest and have to try again. Other people seem to connect just fine as I am talking with them on Teamspeak3. Wish I knew why I was singled out lol.