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About Sillysquash

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Sillysquash

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to thank dieFackel for risking his life to come smack dab in the middle of the bandit infested NWAF to save me, someone he has never met. I was bleeding out on 2,2k blood and still managed to let this survivor live another day, or couple minutes, this game is unpredictable..
  2. Sillysquash

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need Medic! I'm currently logged out of DayZ, but I'm bleeding out on 2.2k blood. Long story short, I gave my friend my last bandage without realizing it, later while playing alone got hit unluckly by one zombie leaving me to bleed to death, I searched panicly for bandages but all I found was guns, ammo, and heatpacks, just what I need! Anyways, I'm in the ATC tower in NWAF, I know that's dangerous and don't expect someone to come for me, but I can't move and this is worth a shot! Could used bandaged and blood transfusion. Hope to hear from sombody!:)
  3. Sillysquash

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I apologize if this has already been answered or has been brought up many times, but have they fixed ghillie suits? I've found one a while back and been keeping it in my backpack since because I heard theres a glitch that it makes your items dissappear? Well, is this fixed? I'd like to wear it :D
  4. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

    Lol, no one is ever on when im on!! :P
  5. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

  6. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

  7. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

    BUMP! Looking for partner asap :D
  8. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

    Hi, I'm sillysquash, aka Gordon. I've been playing this game for about a couple of weeks now. I've learned alot about the game, and im sure I can learn more. :P I've recently become to realize that once I have everything I need to begin doing some serious looting, I get killed. :/ So! I want a partner to play with, I believe this will make the game more enjoyable and increase the longevity of my character. :D I have a mic, and have Skype, Vent, or willing to use in game chat. Steam: sillysquash Skype: collin.gordon5 Oh, and also I'm 16 and live in the US.
  9. Sillysquash

    Need Partner!

    Hi, I'm sillysquash, aka Gordon. I've been playing this game for about a week and a half now. I know all the basics and some about the game, I still have more to learn. :p I've recently become to realize that once I have everything I need to begin doing some serious looting, I get killed. :/ So! I want a partner to play with, I believe this will make the game more enjoyable and increase the longevity of my character. :D I have a mic, and have Skype, Vent, or willing to use in game chat. Steam: sillysquash Skype: collin.gordon5 Oh, and also I'm 16 and live in NA.