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Posts posted by TragicEnd

  1. The open feel of the map is what makes it good. If there were towns everywhere the who survival thing would get old. And the map thats in the game is the whole map from Arma2, so the villages have already been placed, in addition expanding the map would require everything to be custom made and placed and named...or they could just expand into the operation arrowhead map, two separate terrains to choose from. Playing in the desert would be a whole different game, there is a much larger spread between towns as well

  2. Wrath....youve missed the point yet again. Media hype= alot of players. there would be even more players if the game didnt have so many exploits. Dwindling doesnt mean less than ever before...it means less than there could be

    And the only reason the game is hard because of exploits and people sitting on roofs sniping you as you spawn. Sneaking past zombies is difficult, surviving a sniper posted up on the beach is a flaw

    And I love people who pile in defending PVP when I said nothing against it. Kill yourselfs to your hearts content.

    but I see no reason why a private server or a SP game would hurt any of you, which is why im so confused why you defend it so hard.

  3. So new people join everyday, and they play for a few days, get sniped and say "sure glad I didnt spend any money on this mod, I cant even stay spawned for 10 minutes"

    How long do you think that player will last with the mod? I make my statements based on posts I have read here, of other people leaving the mod. So yes, while more people are BEGINNING to play, other people are quitting. The media hype can only draw in so many people, then do you really think new players are going to enjoy getting shot immediately or a few minutes after walking into town?

    And hawk, you can make cute comments all you want but it doesnt change the fact that sitting ontop of a building sniping people at random is a pretty deathmatch/Cod fan thing to do...unless you just took that personally because you play the game

    And to your reply citizenQ, if supplies wernt so plentiful in the mod then I would agree, but nobody kills anyone for beans anymore, they do it for convenience

  4. So they game has serious flaws in the areas that relate to....other people.

    Disconnects, deathmatch, spawn camping snipers ect.

    We all know that its dwindling the playercount and turning a once great mod into a COD fest.

    Yet we are forbidden from having a singleplayer mod to just have fun on our own and forbidden for creating a private server for groups of people who wont play like asshats.

    According to rocket its because this is an alpha and we need to be working on bugs and finding bugs...well fix the exploits then, its only been a problem since the start of the mod. Maybe the game will survive, until then, well, there are plenty of workarounds to getting a single-player mission to work, I just think the facism has gone on long enough.

    Defend it all you want, but everyone killing everyone is NOT how the real world would be during this type of crisis, just in movies. The idea of being a loner is a anti-social personality disorder or paranoia, not a survival trait.
