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About ZombehSanta

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ZombehSanta

    Looking for a TEAM!

    i have a team if you wanna join a small 5-6 person team.
  2. ZombehSanta

    (NSG) day z noob survival group need you

    go on the server in 10 minutes, i have a car, and a gun or 2 to give you
  3. ZombehSanta

    (NSG) day z noob survival group need you

    k, go on the server, ill see you there
  4. ZombehSanta

    (NSG) day z noob survival group need you

    US-LA Private Hive 1.7.3
  5. ZombehSanta

    (NSG) day z noob survival group need you

    I'd love to, go on the server, and tell me your steam name, i'm ZombehSanta on dayz, see you on there!
  6. ZombehSanta

    (NSG) day z noob survival group need you

    If you go on US LA private hive, i'll lend you a couple guns and help you out!