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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. No feature should be kept unchanged solely on the basis that it's popular imo. Especially when you consider the main reason 3rd person became that popular in the first place was the large imbalance between it and 1st person. If DayZ standalone was to be a collection of popular features, the game would end up being not much more than a casual, watered down version of the original idea. Just something to keep in mind.
  2. As long as the server name will still show up, I'm all for removing the table. It serves no purpose in a game like this.
  3. The only problem with tents that I've noticed is that they sometimes move after a server restart if you put them on a sloped terrain. Usually they move very little but if you put a tent in such a way it's difficult to access, sometimes you end up not being able to access it at all later on. I lost quite a bit of good stuff in my last tent which slid into a tree.
  4. It's mostly intentional to simulate weapon inertia. You can certainly expect less clunky animations and movement in the standalone but it's not going to change into a twitch shooter.
  5. Alternatively, you can open up ARMA and put yourself there in the editor. It's not like it's not marked on the map ;)
  6. I agree. I don't think there should be more than one chopper per server to be honest. I played on a private server yesterday, it didn't say how many choppers were there but I spawned in Elektro, right next to an ATV. On my trip to Berezino I saw 3 Hueys in the air and 4 Little Birds on the ground, all fully repaired. I guess no one wanted them as there were better choppers around. Absolutely ridiculous. Choppers should be very rare, hard to fly and hard to repair. Currently it will leak fuel if it's not fully repaired but you only need like one scrap metal, a bunch of jerry cans and you're good to go.
  7. I like it. Especially fuel stations having the possibility to be out of fuel. Currently everyone knows where to find fuel easily, it would be pretty cool if you had to search for it.
  8. I meant iron sights. From what he said it's unclear whether the new 3rd person menu option will give you the same, quick RMB access to iron sights. If it doesn't, I can see why it would be annoying. If it does then this "solution that doesn't involve removing the 3rd person view entirely" doesn't actually do anything. In fact it would do the opposite and lock everyone to 3rd person. Guess we're going to have to wait and see.
  9. It's not just about the vocal minority filling their servers though. Perhaps rocket is doing it for gameplay reasons? Perhaps he understands what effect the cheap tactics made possible by third person exploits have on firefights. It feels like a completely different game when both you and the guy shooting at you can't cheat by peeking around or over obstacles while in cover. Suppressive fire becomes actually possible. Third person view has indeed been part of the game since OFP but you've always had a healthy mix of both 1st person and 3rd person enabled servers. It has never been a core feature in sense that 99.9% servers had it enabled. Rocket wanting to separate different modes into separate hives is news to me and I agree it wouldn't accomplish anything. His idea of making 3rd person view a menu option is interesting, as long as you're not simply able to aim down sights by RMB.
  10. My issue is that 3rd person totally overcompensates for the lack of mechanics implemented in the game. Like if you wanted to look over a wall, exposing your head only, you can't. Instead you use third person view to simply watch over walls, no matter how tall they are without a millimeter of your body sticking out. Honestly, none of those seem like a big deal aside from vehicles. There are already mods for ARMA that deal with clumisness of guns in interiors and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar has already been implemented in DayZ SA with the controls being more streamlined. FOV is already adjustable and frame rate is pretty much the same in both views. Whatever you gain by a more zoomed out view, you lose it by more stuff to your sides having to be rendered. For vehicles, ideally we would have an option to see out of the window. As a temporary solution, enabling 3rd person in vehicles would work fine.
  11. True. Thinking about it, it does sound like a good compromise and it's the only way this solution makes any sense. But I can't imagine people who "like to look at their character" being happy about it at all having to manually switch to 1st person to fire.
  12. Aren't you an OFP/ARMA veteran Dallas? It's kinda strange that you're implying it has been this way since day one with this game. It hasn't. Even DayZ at the beggining had plenty of full 1st person servers because unlike now 3rd person wasn't enabled on practically every server. Third person is popular because it is easier and allows people to peek around corners and over the walls without being seen. Just like 24/7 daylight or 1000 vehicles 100 choppers servers are getting more and more popular. If we were to go with what's most popular, DayZ standalone would be basically ARMA with some zombies thrown in. You're looking at it the wrong way around by saying the problem lies with empty 1st person servers IMO. DayZ mod would have gotten just as big even if there never was a 3rd person option. It's only now that everyone is used to it that removing it would be a problem.
  13. Yeah I don't see that happening. Everyone would be complaining about third person being useless.There has to be more to this solution because even leaving it as it is might be a better option. With the crosshair being removed, it's not like there would be any advantage using 1st person vs 3rd person + iron sights. Since it's a menu option rather than a toggle switch, everyone will simply stay in 3rd person, even those who have been using a combination of the two.
  14. Well the main reason is that it opens up too many potential exploits. If you thought server hopping and loot farming was bad, try it with 5 different characters. Possibilities are endless really. To name a couple, put your characters into sniping and counter sniping locations. If someone kills you, just log in with your character on the other hill and take him down while he's looting your body.Or say you're riding your motorbike fully geared and fail to spot a rock in front of you so you roll over, break your legs, get knocked out and then get finished by zombies (just an example, that didn't happen to me yesterday). Instead of having to walk all the way up to take your stuff back before someone else does, you could just log in with your nearest character and do it much quicker. You're basically at 5 or however many places at the same time. Then there's humanity. If it is tied to a character rather than a CD key, the whole system becomes meaningless. You get "bored" of a bandit character, delete it and create a new hero character. Until you get bored again...
  15. Tons of reasons why multiple characters on public servers is a bad idea. Look at WarZ for some examples.
  16. Honestly, I hope the standalone stays as closed as possible for quite some time. And this is coming from someone who has been playing BI games since the original Operation Flashpoint came out, and everyone who has played OFP or any of the ARMA games knows it's modding that these games are all about. DayZ is a different story IMO. While it is true the mod would obviously not exist without modding, it is it's own game now. I don't think rocket's idea ever was to just create an ARMA mission with some zombies thrown in. This is the issue I have with modding of the actual mod - it has/is becoming a fragmented, watered down version of itself. Private hives are good for dealing with cheaters but most of the time they stray way too far away from the original concept just to provide a more accessible experience and attract more players. "Who to heck wants to travel by foot anymore?" illustrates the issue pretty well I think. People are so used to vehicles that they don't want to play without them anymore. Not only it effectively makes the map 10x smaller, but everyone on the map having a vehicle just isn't in the spirit of what this game/mod originally was about. Custom maps are cool, though even there people have gone as far as making an Utes version of the mod which is pretty ridiculous. Don't get me wrong. Taviana, Namalsk, Panthera and others are great and I've enjoyed playing them in both ARMA and DayZ now but you can tell they are user made islands. I'm not against user made maps in the future but I would still rather have a professionally made map created specifically for a zombie apocalypse in mind. In short, I believe DayZ SA can survive without modding, and in fact the game having vision, someone to make certain decisions and not leave everything up to the community can actually be a good thing in the long run.
  17. Hmm, I'm not sure how that changes much. I think most people who play in 3rd person never switch to 1st person anyway. You can always right click to bring up iron sights from either mode. If that's really all there is to this solution, this could mean 1st person is going to be used even less. No one is going to basically lock themselves to 1st person to play on 3rd person enabled servers.
  18. Nah, not really from that distance. Just tried it myself on very high and it's pretty much what it looks like.
  19. Interesting. Looking forward to seeing this solution, though I doubt it will make it to the foundation release. Good to know at least something will eventually be done about it. I rarely pvp but once you're attacked you have no choice but to defend yourself. And you still have roof campers and such. Guess what I'm saying is, you can focus on survival as much as you want, you will still be affected by 3rd person exploits. 3rd person accounts for a few annoyances that you can't do in the game, nothing more than that IMO. I would say it's much more of a case of people being used to it than anything else.
  20. Training to fire from the hip is fine, but you shouldn't have to train to do simple things. Even with crosshair on interacting with stuff is harder and more fiddly than it should be.
  21. If the interface has been improved so it's easier to open doors, climb ladders or pick up things, especially now that not everything is on the floor, then yes, removing the crosshair would be excellent. There is such thing as too many options. People don't want to adjust even if it's for the better long term experience. Making it optional basically means "crosshair = on".
  22. What I was getting at is, third person being in ARMA (or OFP for that matter) from day one has nothing to do with anything. Did you play ARMA before DayZ mod came out? You think 99.9% ARMA servers had third person enabled as is the case now with DayZ? Your suggestion that nobody is abusing anything is laughable really. Like I said, watch almost any video on youtube and you'll see the exact opposite is true. Third person view is abused to hell. Everyone is peeking around corners without being seen. I do it as well when I play on third person enabled servers, I would be stupid not to. Just because we all do it doesn't mean nothing is wrong with it.
  23. Humanity doesn't reset after death, it's tied to your CD key. That's the whole point of the system - you can tell what the player's long term play style is like. But yeah, with the amount of assholes claiming they're friendly and then shooting you in the face a couple of seconds later, shouting you're friendly isn't going to help much anymore.
  24. I like how players like these usually consider themselves "tough bandits" and defend these kind of actions as their "playing style" and in reality they're just geared up noobs. This video being yet another demonstration of that.
  25. Um, yeah. I can understand people being assholes, going to the coast geared up killing new spawns and all that. But how is this worth recording, uploading and posting? Especially when you had to ask the guy to stop so your mate can kill him WITH AN LMG.