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About ckimball09

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ckimball09

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Keep it up rocket! I haven't had this much fun on a game since Pre-CU SWG! I cant believe people are downing you and Dayz when it is a FREE mod that is in ALPHA testing.. You would figure they would know what the ALPHA part means. But there are many of us who appreciate the hard work of the DayZ staff and look forward to the future of the game!
  2. ckimball09

    NY14 everyone on the server just died

    It is... This is the first time it has happened to me.. but it really makes me not want to play right now.. i mean we spend all this time surviving to just die to a hacker. what's the point in playing
  3. Server: NY14 Time: 6:15 Central(US) Was sniping over elektro with a friend and we both died simultaneously.. we said wtf?! and then everyone in the lobby was also saying they just died. We just lost hours of gameplay finding items...This is getting out of hand Video link http://youtu.be/rc2L4I_61J8
  4. ckimball09

    Alt+F4 exploit after killed

    For one its a known exploit? And Alt+F4 is different from "Closing" the game. It robs the game of one of the main purposes of pvp and that is to loot your kills. Im not saying hes an exploiter for being upset and "raging", but instead for using a bug that makes his body disappear and robs me, and many others, out of well earned loot.
  5. ckimball09

    Alt+F4 exploit after killed

    bah :/ thats sad news.. i wasnt wanting a perma ban or anything, but a suspension or a warning would be nice! And also NVG's and that rangefinder would have been even nicer :p
  6. Server: US 184 Tony Axis Funhouse Time: 5:45 PM Central(US/Canada) Exploiters name is: Mrakobes He obviously alt+f4'd after i killed him, i managed to loot some items but i lost the rangefinder/nightvision gogs and never got to check his backpack... Here is the video http://youtu.be/Y9XMRjNHpOQ