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About Littlenorwegians

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Littlenorwegians

    Easter Egg in Cherno ?

    It's this image, ain't it? http://www.vistax64.com/attachments/chillout-room/8867-evil-santa-warning-evil_santa.jpg
  2. Littlenorwegians

    Sounds like Melee

    From Twitter "PROTIP: Having a hatchet is going to be very useful. ... and I don't mean for chopping wood... "
  3. Littlenorwegians

    It's better together

    Stop cramming metagame concepts into a zombie simulator. You do not drink/eat less near people.
  4. Littlenorwegians

    "Safe-Zone", don't flame right away, just read!

  5. Littlenorwegians

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    NO Unless you offer other means, like a kick or shove to have SOME way of getting away from the hordes.
  6. No. Goes against the concept of realism. Murderers are not followed by animals.
  7. Littlenorwegians

    Got launched into the air and fell to my death

    Has happened to me, died. Everyone else on the server too. Also one time, a tank spawned on top of me and everyone on the sever.
  8. Littlenorwegians

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    Maybe up it a little, but keep in mind this is a sped up simulation. Like I said, in this game we get hungrier, colder and thirstier much faster than in real life. Because we cannot game in real time. It's the natural process except sped up. And that should work both ways. Faster metabolism in all areas.
  9. Littlenorwegians

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    I agree with this system, or something similar. Gradual progression into health works more naturally. Of course, like the eating and drinking mechanics they're sped up. (Because we can't all game in real time. So about X4 to X8 speed on bodily functions is the way to go)
  10. Littlenorwegians

    Stop gear drop when in water.

    Yeah. Losing your gear in the wayer is just silly and has to be a bug.
  11. Littlenorwegians

    How to loot hospitals?

    Bug. Bug I've suffered many times.
  12. Littlenorwegians

    Zombies glitched in ground

    *BUMPED* Having the same problem!
  13. Littlenorwegians

    Consolidated GUI & POO MOD (With Pic!)

    Just gonna say that it looks worse than what we have. It's bigger, clunkier, cartoonier and looks like a game of Operation is going on. Neat concept, but errr....
  14. OK, calm down. Less insanity, more clarity. What are you doing and what issues do you have?