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About SheepBot

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    On the Coast
  1. SheepBot

    Banned from Seattle 13

    That's impossible because rockets take up 6 slots in your inventory so he can only have 2 on him legitimately.
  2. SheepBot

    Continous Admin Abuse in DE62

    I've seen RnG Cory and Cocobear before on a chicago server. I doubt they were admins on that server.
  3. This player named "Nixozo" was hacking on this server he managed to spawn a gun that isn't in DayZ the Mk 17. I snuck up on him after I heard some shots so I investigated and found this. I managed to stay behind him for 5 minutes like that before he saw me. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540680239886802724/E430FDC6D231EFBB6CD4F897F5FC7BC24125139C/ In the first screen shot you can see that I took his Mk 17 ammo out of his backpack. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540680239886792953/1EA2C6791D1FA7C1B2769BC592B4E49DE0353F9B/ In the second screen shot you can see that his name is Nixozo and you can see he has an Mk 17. Also this happened between 3:30pm-3:50pm pacific time.