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About BlindSniper66

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BlindSniper66

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Hello All! I have been working on a DAY Z inspired PC for quite some time. I finally got most of the work done and wanted to share some photos. One is a comparison of my free hand drawing of the DAY Z logo, one is a side view showing "Whack Creations" (what I call my pseudo business) in Russian. The final photo is of the window I put into the case. Keep in mind this was an old (very old) Antec case I salvaged from work. I think it turned out well, I would have liked to do more artistic things with it, maybe my next case will be more of "radioactive equipment" style... who knows. Let me know what you all think!
  2. BlindSniper66

    Day Z Case Mode

    hey thanks! Yah exactly what I was kinda thinking... Zombies and blood go hand in hand usually
  3. BlindSniper66

    Day Z Case Mode

    Thanks to you all :D I was brainstorming and thought to myself... liquid cooling... with red coolant coursing through the tower... to resemble blood of course.
  4. BlindSniper66

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    I posted about this in general discussion. I am doing a case mod for Day Z. Check Out what I have so far!
  5. BlindSniper66

    Day Z Case Mode

    Thanks a lot, I was happy with how it turned out! :D
  6. BlindSniper66

    Day Z Case Mode

    Hello all! First off the new forums are pretty nice! Secondly I have started a Day Z Case Mod today... It is in its 'infant' stages. I so far have taken the Day Z logo and have drawn and hand painted the logo on the side of the case as well as painted the old Antec case flat black from top to bottom. Please provide some ideas if you like or constructive criticism (no flame wars please...) as to what I could do to improve. At this point I plan on putting a window on the opposite side of the case. I will then most likely add some red cathode lights and some red led fans... I appreciate any feedback! Thanks, -BlindSniper66 aka Jake P.S. I typed mode instead of mod... you said mod I say mode. Potato/potatoe... lol