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Posts posted by Dakiraloril

  1. ok this is how this happened me and my friends where on: le zombie and they had just found a heli and the just took off and where flying around and out of no where they where kicked. when they got back on the server they where spawned on the beach in two random locations. then i got on the server with them and we decided to regroup in cherno. One of them where really close so they went to check to see if the heli had been spawned back where they had found it in cherno. on his way there he heard shots from another player and had logged off out of normal reaction and had mooved his charater on a diff server. when he got back on the server we where on he still heard shoots that where from the same guy but they where not in his direction at all, and out of no where he died and he said he heard the bullets from 6 feet away when they where from on the opposite side of town. then it was m turn for the same person, i was 300-400meters away from where we where headed and i had stopped to check my map in the middle of the woods and lying down with a Gillie suit and in my map i heard a zip of a bullet right next to me as if the guys was right in front of me and died and i had checked to see if there was anyone around so if a game editor/rocket read this plz do something about this, because we had played on this server yesterday and we had no problems and the admin wasnt on.

    server: le zombie

    admin: Flipe (person we are pretty sure is cheating)

    other players that my be involved- Defklok

  2. I tend to bounce around the place looking for something to get my heart goin. pretty much strictly PVP. Sometimes I'll go look for crash sites and vehicles but for the most part the PvE portion of the game and survival itself is a complete joke. Once you know how to play the game properly it's pretty trivial to do anything but survive against the REAL threat.

    Because it's the only place on the entire map that has military mess halls, which have the highest chance of dropping high tier items.

    that may be so but i have gone to the NW airfeild so many times hoping for something good and me and my group that i play with have never found anythign better then AKMs or shotguns.