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Everything posted by theorix

  1. Honestly, I doubt this will get dealt with seeing both my previous threads have been discarded (as far as I know). I'll keep it short. Logged in for the first time to US 150, server goes down, log in again, find a vehicle right in front of me. Go for a joy ride, see a trailer and a car approaching from the opposite lane. They stop, shoot at me, kill me. At this point, feeling a bit down but I respawn again, suddenly, I get kicked with this message: "Banned for Cheating/Hacking".
  2. theorix

    Banned from US 150

    You're drawing conclusions here. I didn't find the L85 when I spawned. I drove up north and ran into a crashed helicopter, hence the L85. I don't cheat. I'm not gobablly banned, I can join other servers. Banned exclusively to US 150.
  3. theorix

    Banned from US 150

    .. Yeah, I also had an L85 and DMR when I died.
  4. * Server this happened on. Dallas 29 * Time that it happened including your timezone. Approximately 19:00 CEST * What happened during the incident. Saw a sniper approaching the radio tower where I was lying in prone. He was suspiciously careful and looking straight at me even though I was hidden and looking in 3rd person. He suddenly disappeared, I hear footsteps under me. I look down the stairs and see him, let out half a clip with AK Kobra, all bullets hit. From then on out I start recording. Shoot more bullets into him, throw down grenades. Still no sign of injury or death. I captured it with video. This is my second time reporting abuse, the first time I wasn't taken seriously. If this fails I give up. His username was "Dylan". Optional: - Video proof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOS2EBAuTPk&feature=youtu.be
  5. theorix

    Ghillie Suit

    Found one too, was excited but then I remembered this bug. It's definitely still active so I wouldn't equip it.
  6. theorix

    Dropped dead with 11347 blood, any ideas?

    This has happened to me as well, yesterday actually. Was in an abandoned building, and BAM I suddenly drop dead. Without hearing any gunshots or anything. Couldn't have been a sniper, there was no one nearby. I concluded that I must have been shot while I was having network difficulties, that's my best assumption anyway.
  7. This specific admin has had more than one accusation, please check bottom for proof. Admin name for the person responsible: Leavaris Required: * Server this happened on. UK34 * Time that it happened including your timezone. Approximately 12 O'clock, Midnight (CEST) * What happened during the incident. Stumbled upon a camp, saw player. Shot him from a distance, later realized he was admin due to his global messages. Approached camp and the server went down before I got the chance to loot. Down for several minutes, when it came up he locked it to 1 player. Unable to play on the server for at least 15 minutes. When it came back loot (truck and multiple tents) were gone. PICTURE PROOF: Just killed the individual. http://i.imgur.com/MuKtJ.jpg Server shutting down. http://i.imgur.com/8sVBt.jpg Loot he cheated his way to. http://i.imgur.com/Mk8vY.jpg Proof of admin alone in locked server. http://i.imgur.com/TnZSX.png Proof of later (again) downtime. http://i.imgur.com/2NgzF.png MORE PROOF: MORE ADMIN ABUSE ACCUSATIONS ON THE SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=25706&pid=229018#pid229018 I will not rest until this is taken care of.
  8. Uhm.. Yeah. I like how everyone are being straight out insulting now. Thanks for the few backing me up, though. Attacked for defending my case and admin is praised for not having anything to say. Fuck it, I'm done. At least I tried to help prevent this happening to anyone else.
  9. Well shit, sorry for defending my case. I'm out.
  10. Look, fuck this. I did my part, I saw suspicious behavior and I reported it to help prevent future instances of this. I've presented series of evidence, while the admin has provided none. I really don't see any point in continuing to discuss this. If he can't provide logs, he's guilty. If he can provide them, it was obviously a series of coincidences (including his previous accusations (?)). Simple as that.
  11. Leavaris is right, server is up. His loot is still gone however. Must have been moved. Proof. http://i.imgur.com/zWlbp.jpg
  12. My apologies, I must have forgot to upload. Taken between the point of his alone-time on the server, and the downtime. http://i.imgur.com/9cQaF.jpg I believe it should be to the left, the picture is a bit off since I forgot the accurate location.