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Foogals (DayZ)

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61 Good

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About Foogals (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    California (Insert Terminator/Conan pun here)
  • Interests
    DayZ, Video games, Guitar, good books (Song of Fire and Ice)
    Being lazy and weird.
  1. Foogals (DayZ)

    Realistic Map Use

    I was thinking something like in Ultima where you can draw on the map. Mark and such, and make it only visible to you. But if someone takes your map, they see what you wrote.
  2. Foogals (DayZ)

    Looking for a buddy.

    Hey there y'all. Looking for a buddy or two to survive the wastes. Time Zone: Pacific / GMT -8 Best times: 4pm to 10pm weekdays. Anytime Weekends. Location: California, prefer servers in that area. Thanks, and have fun!
  3. Foogals (DayZ)

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    I was on a roof while it was raining. So I stepped to the left and kept sliding until I went off the roof and then went *splat*
  4. Foogals (DayZ)

    Minor Glitch?

    Ah, okay. Thought it reset. Thanks much.
  5. Foogals (DayZ)

    Minor Glitch?

    Hey, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. My character is consistently wearing a turban/ headscarf even after death. Is this supposed to happen?
  6. Foogals (DayZ)

    New to the Forum Hello From Reno Nevada .

    'Ight, take care man.
  7. Foogals (DayZ)

    New to the Forum Hello From Reno Nevada .

    Yup, I'll add you tommorow.
  8. Foogals (DayZ)

    New to the Forum Hello From Reno Nevada .

    Neither am I, just planning to have fun with the apocalypse.
  9. Foogals (DayZ)

    New to the Forum Hello From Reno Nevada .

    Welcome aboard, be more than willing to group up at some point if ya like.
  10. Foogals (DayZ)

    Hello again, my old friends!

    Thanks for the update mate, was wondering what the flashing gun symbol ment.
  11. Foogals (DayZ)

    Reason behind your username?

    One reason: Tell me Foogals dosen't sound like a delicious cereal. :D
  12. Hey Y'all, I've been out of DayZ since about June and so I think I'll start cycling back in. I'm looking forward to playing on the 7.4.4 update and new maps but I've been out of the loop for a while and hoping someone could give me a quick run down of "What's what". Aside from that my IG Name is the same as my forum name (Foogals) and hopefully I'll be able to meet some new buddies in lovely 'ol Chernarus. On top of that I'm very excited for the Standalone in (Hopefully) December and all the boons we'll receive with it. Oh, and tommorow's my birthday :D Truly Foogals
  13. Foogals (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    From the eternal sea he rises. Creating armies on either shore. Turning man against his brother. Until man exists no more.
  14. Foogals (DayZ)

    The Brutal Diary: Part 1

    Edit: Nevermind
  15. Foogals (DayZ)

    The Brutal Diary: Part 1

    While your playstyle is a little unnerving, the way you romanticize it with your storytelling is quite intresting. This coming from a person who avoids killing others at all costs (Including my life). I'm curious though, while most other Bandits kill "just cause" you've stated your reason quite well. What I'd like to ask is 'Why do you choose to kill everything that moves?'