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Baby Masta

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About Baby Masta

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Baby Masta

    Is this Fine?

    Is this good enough to play dayz with decent fps? ATI Radeon 9600 Bump. 42 Look and dont say anything.. thanks
  2. Baby Masta

    Can my laptop run this mod??

    How about me? I am not sure if I would be able to play dayz mod successfully do you guys think this would be good enough or do i have to overclock and all that other stuff. http://gyazo.com/e49cebb901e6d3ac59aec0676ed51060
  3. Baby Masta

    Need Help

    I am not sure if I would be able to play dayz mod successfully do you guys think this would be good enough or do i have to overclock and all that other stuff. http://gyazo.com/e49cebb901e6d3ac59aec0676ed51060 If you have any suggestions on how to help me have better fps for dayz then please tell Bump. Please help
  4. Baby Masta

    Help please

    I am not sure if I would be able to play dayz mod successfully do you guys think this would be good enough or do i have to overclock and all that other stuff. http://gyazo.com/e49cebb901e6d3ac59aec0676ed51060 EDIT: if you guys have any suggestions on how to help me with running dayz mod without having a lot of fps lag please tell me.