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Everything posted by Argent_LeRoche

  1. Well today I started up my six launcer as per usual with the inten of playing on a 50 person server i like. The game let me join and i was in the lobby when i was unexpectedly kicked out of the lobby for it being too full. Right then. I then went in and played with the filters to get a low ping but still decent number of players server. I joined a server whose name escapes me and spawned in Kamenka with this servers version of the starter kit. Now i only started playing again after several months off so these new different server starter kits are something I'm still getting used to. Being that i was in Kamenka i was in the near litteral ass crack of nowhere. I noticed in the side chat that one player was going to pick up another in a helicopter. I asked if I could hitch a ride to somewhere else and instead of the usual "bugger off" i'm used to the pilot actually said yes. He flew out to Kamenka and picked me up. He asked if I wanted to join him and a bunch of other players in an excusion. i said yes. That was the best DayZ decision i have made in a long time. While flying the helicopter he flew out and picked up another two players before heading to NW airfield to rendeavouz with the player who was piloting the other helicopter in the server. Davide, my pilot, and the other pilot met up at the NW airfield were we were attacked by a hacker. The hacker was then banned from the server by Davide who it turned out was a mod. I accidently ejected myself from the helicopter after take off (a recurring them in tonights adventure) and had to respawn. After i respawned Davide picked me up and we flew off to collect another two players. Mads, as green a DayZ player as ever there was, and Michele, the pilot of the other heli. They had both been killed by the hacker. We flew to the NW again where i again accidentally ejected out of the heli. However the same time i ejected out of the heli was when it got shot up by someone in the other heli that had been abandoned after the hacker had attacked. The person in the other heli was killed and during the confusion following this incident Mads was left at the airfield. Davide had to log off and so flying duties fell to Michele who along with the other two members of the crew, Josh and Drex, was stuck with the arduosus task of repairing. Mads luckily fell in with a freindly at the airfield and even though he got wounded was ok at this moment in time. When coming to pick me up Michelle and the repaired heli came under attack from the other helicopter, somehow it had been repaired, and had to fly off to lose it. Eventually they doubled back and collected me as we went scrounging for parts. While refuelling, and with me doing some repair work on the heli, Mads told us that he had been badly wounded. He was on critical blood and had a broken leg but was not bleeding out. We decided to go get him. As we approached the airfield the other heli arrived and attacked us again. We were badly hurt but I was determined that we would get Mads out safe, my own experiances of being trapped as a rookie in NW airfield and on very low health made me really want to safe him. However michelle had to log off and we landed our helicopter in a safe location. I tried to organise a rescue plan with Josh and Drex but the direct chat wasn't working, so instead i climbed into the helicopter and switched on the engine to get them in. After mulling it over we decided we would wait for Davide to come back so that he could fly and then we could use an off-roader Josh had stashed away to go in and get Mads. It was at that point I realised it had been an hour since when Davide said he would be back. Stuck with no alternative I did the one thing I could do. I started to fly the helicopter. For the record I am a terrible pilot and more then once I thought I was going to crash and completely ruin everything for us. However through some divine manipulation, is supect Odin, I managed to land the heli near the jeeps location. I then stunned myself further by landing it safely landed it in a clearing to hide it. We drove to the NW to safe Mads who at this point was blacking in and out constantly. We dashed through the perimeters and looked for him at the fire station were he said he was on the side chat. And in what I can call a good move by a rookie he was not telling us the right location so as to through off the bandits. After fighting through the zombies we covered him while he crawled into the truck and we legged it out of there. We had not thought to bring supplies with us so our first port of call was a nearby barn where we did some scavenging. I then saw Mads fall out of the Jeep while he blacked out. I knew we had a long drive ahead so I told hi to get out while I searched the Czech backpack he was wearing for food. He didn't even know you could open it. It was then i hit him with a hatchet by mistake. And killed him. I swore a lot. After all the trouble we went to get him out. After learnign to fly a heli just to help him out I hit him with an axe by accident. When I explained what happened he was cool but we drove off a bit, found somewhere safe to drop me off and after giving Josh my hatchet, he had run out of ammo for his fancy M4, I logged off at 23:00. I had started playing at 20:00 with the plan to only play for an hour. Time well wasted.
  2. Argent_LeRoche

    I think I killed an admin...

    So not only was the server admin being a bitch, they were also making a camp outside the boundries of the game? Ladies and gents, the mega-bitch.
  3. Argent_LeRoche

    Sneaking up on a sniper in electro and scaring him.

    Hehehe Coward man I would have stayed and taken the death if i had to.
  4. Argent_LeRoche

    Hacker shot out of helicopter with M104

    Yes you can. They were taken out temporarily and have since been put back in.
  5. Argent_LeRoche

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Oh you bastard. You've made me remember that whole scene in futurama now. If you need be I'll be over there crying manly tears.
  6. Argent_LeRoche

    Day Z Ep. 01 - Helicopter Shootout!

    Pretty interesting. Although Hiding wasn't your fault if the name of the heli was coming up for you then you were coming up for the heli. Beteer plan would have been to leave it the hell alone.
  7. Argent_LeRoche

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Trust me that contact was taken care of :D
  8. A method I find that works is to go somewhere safe were you can see the glitch. Then go into Video settings and change them from "Normal to Low" or whatever your equivalent is. After the screen says "Receiving" it should be fine.
  9. Argent_LeRoche

    Cant get into hospitals?

    The axe is a lot more useful.
  10. Ok my two cents. The NATO standard weapons I can live with although I think the Makarov SD is a sorely needed addition to the game. The PDW I would have no problem seeing removed but as it is I see no real reason why. The Lee-Enfield should be replaced with the Mosin Nagant. And the Winchester should be yanked out but only because they are the two IMO most out of place weapons. The RPG-7 would make a hell of a lot more sense to have in game. And OP the Double-Barreled Shotgun is a great weapon when you treat it right.
  11. Argent_LeRoche

    'OP' Guns and the Future of Dayz

    My two cents on weapons would be a Far Cry 2 like system were weapons wear and tear over time. However I would have it that the simpler weapons (Lee-Enfield for example) would have more durability then the complex ones.
  12. Argent_LeRoche

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Video please. Would be interesting
  13. Argent_LeRoche

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok Medics I;m logging in at Berezino for about an hour. If you need vehicle supplies or someone to make a medical supply run for you message me on Steam Argent_LeRoche with what you need and I'll try and find something for you.
  14. Argent_LeRoche

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. (I am not a fan of the subscriptions model and F2P with items is a BS method of making a game. A once off and maybe some DLC if it's good is what I would go for) Studio developed. Kickstarter. (The extra money could not hurt)
  15. Argent_LeRoche

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok working now. Hit me up for vehicle parts and I'll call in if I find anything you guys might like.
  16. Argent_LeRoche

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Or not. My Arma is giving me problems.
  17. Argent_LeRoche

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Online if any doctors need vehicle parts. Hit me up on Steam if you need them. Argent_LeRoche
  18. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    They installed a computer once on That Mountain . When they came to check on it the next day it had created it's own Operating System. Thus was born Windows Vista.
  19. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    If your smart you'll leave it there. Only a fool carries something away from The Mountain.
  20. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    You know Chrnarus is an ex soviet country? Do you know what scared off the Soviets? They tried detonating a nuclear bomb against it. All it did was make it mad.
  21. Argent_LeRoche

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Q: Will we ever be safe from The Mountain?
  22. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    There is a reason the Devil's castle is so far north of there. I saw it once from the woods nearby at night. The mountain never sleeps. The mountain never changes. The mountain just waits. .......and hungers.
  23. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    They say the Slenderman comes to those who know about him. He got the idea from that mountain.
  24. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    Only one person ever made it out of Green Mountain he has some advice for you: Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck. - The Doctor. Personally I think you should run. run now. Run far but just RUN.
  25. Argent_LeRoche

    Green mountain?

    No person typed that on the wiki. That was Green Mountain itself. You have fallen for it's call. I shall pray for your soul.