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About daedalus-95

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I haven't played DayZ in a long time and plan to get back into it, only to find out I can't join any servers because I'm apparently banned from BattlEye #0431f1. I've never used any hacks or been banned before. Has anyone else had this issue or the same ban number?
  2. daedalus-95

    Drink from the Ocean?

    But we're not in a zombie apocalypse in real life are we.. If there was a real zombie apocalypse, and you had no water to drink from apart from the ocean, a smart person would drink from the ocean wouldn't he/she in order to survive? But well, this is only a suggestion I thought of while playing the game
  3. daedalus-95

    Drink from the Ocean?

    Hello! I bought Arma2: CO just so I can play DayZ, and I am really enjoying it so far, I just thought of being able to drink from the ocean, or any water source? Like, going into the water and pressing enter to drink or whatever. Maybe it's a silly idea, I don't know, Opinions?
  4. daedalus-95

    Dayz Mod / Arma II on Windows 8?

    Alrighty, I'll look out for that, thanks again :)
  5. daedalus-95

    Dayz Mod / Arma II on Windows 8?

    Awesome, thanks for replying so quickly, much appreciated!!
  6. Hello! I'm new to Arma II and have never played it and I plan on buying the game mostly to play DayZ, but one question I have: Will it run on the Windows 8 Release Preview? I have encountered a few games that don't run on Windows 8 RP, but I'd like to make sure, and if anyone else has tried it that they can confirm it works? I still have Windows 7 on a separate HD so it doesn't matter too much if it doesn't work on Windows 8, but it would be a lot nicer since I have Windows 8 installed on my SSD and runs a LOT faster. PS: I have read the Troubleshooting must read posts and didn't think it was necessary to complete the form, but if you might need the info I'll gladly fill it in. Thanks in advance, Akamari