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Everything posted by Skidds

  1. Hey, i'm looking for a group in the UK to play with. I've been playing by myself and then came to the realisation that it's much more easy and fun if you play with others. I have skype. If you're interested PM me.
  2. Skidds

    Looking for a UK group

    He wouldnt let me join, so it's back to this thread.
  3. Skidds

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Can I join? I'm only 16 but I'm very mature and don't have a very high pitched voice.
  4. Skidds

    Looking for a UK group

    Meh, it's just about being mature. Just post there. Alright, i'll see if he'll let me join.
  5. Skidds

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, i'm Skidds. I'm pretty new to this mod and ARMA in general, but i'm loving the realism and atmosphere! I've only played a few hours so far and died 4 times, once by gunshot, 2 times by fall and one by zombie. I would like to find some other people to play with so if anyone has a skype then message me!