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About Eddy_J1

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    United Kingdom
  1. Eddy_J1

    [SA] Anyone find bandages yet?

    Here's me thinking well this is lame... no bandages or anything after entire hospital search... know I know for next time, cheers :)
  2. Day Only... why start with NVGs then? fail
  3. How long did everyone elses server take to setup? The wait is a bit of a joke if you ask me... Ordered basically 24 hours ago and its still not setup
  4. Eddy_J1

    Kicked out of Chopper in Lingor.

    I can confirm its something to do with debug area or something because exactly the same happened to me and a friend an hour ago, I was booted out heli(pilot) but he managed to eject and parachute to safety. Bit annoying really as it would be an ideal place for a chopper to be fairly safe. Im glad we found the chopper working, so luckily not too much time was wasted.
  5. Just wait for an official response instead if everyone saying "wheres my chopper blah blah"
  6. Eddy_J1

    dayzmap.com - A great map for all survivors

    Nice thought but not sure how you can justify "maximise the map area available, and minimise distractions." when theres a giant advert in the corner of the screen, you'd probably be better off helping one of the current maps have a street view, such as http://dayzdb.com/map because that's full of awesome features already.
  7. Eddy_J1

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    I play BF3 and I'm a great sniper, including sniping people at 1000m+ and even 600m+ shots where a player was 1ft from my teammate
  8. Eddy_J1

    Hackers having fun on LU15

    Could just be a crashed vehicle/heli that made a forest fire, theres usually barbed wire and stuff everywhere anyway
  9. Eddy_J1

    AS50 Sniping a UH-1H Pilot

    Nice kill
  10. I tried manually updating a vilayer server but they block the upload of dll's and exe's
  11. Eddy_J1

    BattlEye Failed To Initialize

    I have the latest beta and everything and it just still throws the error, even updated battleye in the arma folder and the expansion folder. Anyone got any other ideas? I'm using six updater. Edit: Don't use six updater for the latest version seemed to fix mine, download using the given links :)
  12. Eddy_J1

    a funny way to kill a hopper :D

    haha nice