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About NeonSaber

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  1. I'd be just peachy. Small town by Edmonton. I'd have no issue with weapons, what with my gun cabinet. Lots of food in my cold room and tons of frozen meat from hunting every year. If I ever needed supplies/barricade materials, I'd just swing by the local Canadian-Tire and/or Wal-mart with my truck/trailer. Huh...Zombie apocalypse seems kinda lame and easy now...
  2. Honestly, this sounds like the best way to build the trust of players (atleast i think so). Neat idea,
  3. NeonSaber

    Shit Really Gets Real...

    Obvious Troll is obvious. On-topic, I think each server having a map for the area the server is based in is a cool idea, although I have no idea how complex/difficult that would be to do, it still sounds interesting.
  4. NeonSaber

    Not a priority but...

    Any Dev input on whether we'll be seeing new models?
  5. NeonSaber

    Not a priority but...

    That's something I doubt we would see unless it moves away from Arma II. like Qassie said, but I totally agree. But changing the default skin to something else shouldn't be too hard (I wouldn't know). Even if they keep everyone looking the same save for the colour variations and faces/glasses from profiles, but giving a different skin, or even if the Dev's made their own custom skin, would be better than what we have right now.
  6. NeonSaber

    Not a priority but...

    Will we ever be seeing different player models? The idea was supposed to be random survivors in the zombie apocalypse right? I understand that the current models are one that were already available (I could be wrong) and the most civilian looking models, but will we be seeing other models in the future?
  7. NeonSaber


    Or you could try DigitalStorm if your Comp shop doesn't work out. They do custom builds as well.
  8. So, I ended up getting pretty messed up, but made it to the hospital in Electro, finding a blood bag. Then I went to the top of the school (?). I waited there assuming that, seeing as to how it is a large 3 level building, SOMEONE would wander by. For about twenty minutes I hear gunshots all over town, and I started launching flares hoping someone would see, while calling out in direct chat. Someone DID see, because next thing I know there is a sniper (with rather poor aim) picking shots at me from the hill I'd guess. I crawled around the square block thing on the tower and waited. Eventually he left, and I found no help. I then logged off, having to work in the morning. So I pray that when i next log in, I find someone who is willing to NOT shoot me without question, and help me. I know, fat chance for that.
  9. NeonSaber

    [VIDEO] Never Through Flares Indoors....

    Wait you got the title of the video right, but not the post?
  10. NeonSaber

    Some utter wankers playing this game

    Agree 100%. If you PK for resources, okay. If you PK for shiggles? Kind of a buzz kill to the game.
  11. NeonSaber

    I suggest closed testing

    Why would that make sense? Having it open gets input from every type of player interested in the game, while having it closed would help...how? " It seems to me with the "type" of people playing this game and the "way" they are playing it is an obstacle to the proper development." Those "type" of players will be playing the "way" they want anyway, so nothing would change.
  12. NeonSaber

    Textures & screen bug.

    For the textures, I had the same issue. Go to your video options in-game, go "Advanced" and turn AA off. For the black bars, sounds like you're in widescreen mode, which you may need to change in game or out, not sure.
  13. NeonSaber

    Stuck at Loading screen!!

    My friend is having the same issue, so BUMP'd
  14. NeonSaber

    Textures not loading right?

    I'll try turning AA off I guess? Also, ATI Radeon HD 5670 if it is hardware, although doubtful because the other games work. Right that seems to have fixed it, turn AA off in the options in game.
  15. NeonSaber

    Textures not loading right?

    http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o624/Keenan_Lizotte/Untitled-1.jpg Also, When attempting to run both versions of ArmA2, the first worked, but trying to run OA gave me this error "Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine" I can run CO, and Arma2 on its own, but not OA