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Everything posted by Helsing

  1. wtf at least use win xp ffs
  2. Helsing

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Help! I am unconcious and bleeding with 2k blood in the middle of nowhere. However, I have coords and a blown up tractor is next to me. If you can help, please let me know. I am in the far northwest. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I am dying, So heal me, maybe? <3
  3. Played for about a month, looking for a friendly clan. Solo gets boring and while I often find people to play with, I have not been part of a clan yet. Why a clan? I want to play with a lot of trustworthy people and I want a place to park vehicles. How hostile I am? I'm paranoid as hell, I will likely shoot on sight or run unless the clan discourages that behavior. I prefer first person only servers and I really like night time. I wish night vision was removed though. Anyways, my favorite Day Z weapons include the Lee enfield, M107, M240, M249, M24. Good weapons I can't tolerate: Most AKs...omfg I hate those iron sights. I'm on US east and I prefer to play in the evening and night.
  4. Helsing

    New zombie Classes (big post)

    Waaay too many different types. I wouldn't mind having fast zombies and slow zombies though.
  5. Helsing

    Skins dependent on humanity.

    what features?
  6. How do you pick them up once they're armed on the ground?
  7. Helsing

    Satchel Charges

    I placed down a charge on accident, and clicked touch-off trying to pick it up. lol
  8. I found an AS50 TWS, it has an icon and is completely functional. Is this thing legit? I'm carrying it right now, if I get banned I'm gonna be pissed...
  9. Helsing

    I found an AS50 TWS

    well if I don't get banned for carrying it then it looks like im gonna rape ppl with it which is fair considering I had to kill the person with it
  10. Helsing

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    Also how we die, and locations of things.
  11. Helsing


    I go there all the time, always empty (NW airfield)
  12. Helsing

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    admins have tools that allow them to see everything. Obviosly it's not a map that you can zoom in and what not, it's just writting. But all the information is there. I was playing in a server and the admin was talking on teamspeak. He said "nice mk48 and m107, but isn't that too much firepower for one person?" He also knew exactly where I was, he knew I had the m107 in my bag, all in a pitch black night where the m107 doesn't leave the bag. He also told us how vehicles were destroyed and how people died. He told us the bus was destroyed by the M203 for example, and that my friend died to a bizon.
  13. Helsing

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    Oh and I've never met a server admin without a vehicle. Crazy coincidence that admins always have vehicles in their server although they could never get a vehicle in a server not hosted by them. I sure hope we get official servers in standalone..
  14. Helsing

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    people like to blame everything on hackers but they are rare. However, admin abuse and duping is nearly as bad as outright hacking and is extremely common. Every clan you see will claim "everything is legit" but that's bullshit. Most large groups dupe and admins often favor their group by raiding other people's camps. They know exactly where everything on the map is, which is pretty much maphack+baghack(they can see your items)+ they know where and how people die.
  15. Helsing

    Helicopter Dogfight vs Hacker

    You need to get closer and start unloading m240 rounds into the other heli's face. In full auto.
  16. Helsing

    I have a confession to make :(

    It's not like gear is hard to find anyways. Only bad part about dying is the walking
  17. Helsing


    I don't think it's the age actually. I don't think I was that stupid when I was 15.
  18. Helsing

    no save option on ural?

    no, keep searching for the save option
  19. Helsing

    Problems with DayZ

    both replies to the OP gave a stupid response to #4 good job both of you.
  20. Helsing


    another 15 year old that thinks he's cool
  21. This is a video I made of when I first got an LMG xD http://youtu.be/cB_UwaaY8E everything happened in a spam of an hour. Unfortunately, I was unable to record cool stuff that happened after... Anyways, it's just me and a few people I met on the forums messing around in a car we stole before this video. The guy we backstabbed wanted to join us but jake didn't like the fact that he was 15 and decided to kill him and I went along with it. Karma got him back quickly though xD
  22. Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.
  23. Helsing

    Tips for Being in a Bandit Group

    EDIT: NVM I thought you were someone else
  24. Helsing

    Tips for Being in a Bandit Group

    THANK YOU I hope everyone reads this. Holy shit, specially numbers 3 and 4....It really makes me feel like backstabbing them sometimes