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About Kodeth101

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I'm interested, but I wouldn't like to use in-game chat because other people can hear us. If you are interested, PM me.
  2. Kodeth101

    sum kewl storeez

    The post was a joke. It was supposed to be ironic. Get it?
  3. Kodeth101

    Arma II Free + OA

    Hey, thanks for the help, man! I really appreciate it.
  4. Kodeth101

    sum kewl storeez

  5. Kodeth101

    Arma II Free + OA

    Will DayZ work if I get Arma II Free from the Arma II website, but then buy OA from Steam? Are there any special steps I would need to take? I've tried searching with no success.
  6. Kodeth101


    Bring a gun. Chances are, there are at least 5 people there.
  7. Kodeth101


    US 454 The big ass island where the helicopter spawns. In the forest. Around 8 tents. Have fun.
  8. Kodeth101

    First confirmed kill.

    " ' " key. The apostrophe.
  9. I just realised, now they have to find each other. Nice one.
  10. Kodeth101

    sum kewl storeez

    I'd also like to say, at the time of the ban, I was on Teamspeak talking to my friends, and I was on DayZ with them, they knew where I was.
  11. It shows the ammo box.
  12. Thanks for posting this, Sammy. I'd like to join you sometimes and play with you, it'd be pretty cool.
  13. Kodeth101

    sum kewl storeez

    Multiple people dying at the same time =/= hacks. Well thought out plans will do that, dumbass. You still have NO proof of me hacking, even if it was a hacker that killed you. But guess what. Your proof has incriminated yourself. How ironic. http://www.twitch.tv...ive/b/327045279 7:48 "Dude, screw that, I'm disconnecting." Said by you. So you're a combat logger, which is a bannable offense. And in case you try deleting that video, I still have it recorded. So GG. Edit: I'd also like to point out, that in one of your streams, one of you guys said something about enabling said channel, which is grounds for removing the server.
  14. Kodeth101

    sum kewl storeez

    ... What here was proof? Scout getting either sniped from 800 meters, or getting killed by a silenced gun? And what do you mean, same GUID? Do you even know what proof means?