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Everything posted by Nekosan

  1. Nekosan

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    I don't think most players (or former players) care about dying to bugs, for 2 years we've been dying to bugs and we've gotten used to it. What people are angry about is the percieved lack of progress on the important parts of the game.... namely : the zombies. This community is probably the worst that has ever existed for a game, BI get away with so much bullshit that would get any other company torn to shreds in moments. Many of you have BI's balls so far down your throats that I'm amazed you can still breathe, "It's an alpha" only works for so long... sooner or later they actually need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE ZOMBIES. Who really gives a shit about clothing and weapon mods when the core aspects of the game are broken and they don't seem inclined to fix them? You want to fix the "deathmatch in cities"? There's only one way to do it, make the zombies the real threat rather than a shitty backdrop for a "sandbox" (in modern game development that means "we don't want to make content, or give you the tools to make it"). As a veteran player and a gamer of more than 20 years, the current state of the zombies just makes me think that they CAN'T fix them, alarm bells should have sounded community wide when they said "we can't handle any more items spawns with more zombies".
  2. Nekosan

    footsteps of doom?

    Sorry but the entire sound engine is rubbish, somehow it's actually WORSE than the game it was pinched from. Even with expensive headphones it's near impossible to tell where sounds are actually coming from.
  3. Nekosan

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    He's not exaggerating at all. * This is a zombie game without zombies * the base mechanics, especially the shooting, are DRAMATICALLY WORSE than in Arma. The gunplay resembles something from a bad halflife mod in the early 2000's. * even basic mouse movement is worse than in any other game release within the last decade * the ai is WORSE than what they had 2 weeks into mod release, zombies are basicallly the hostages from counterstrike... they chase the path you ran and hit you... it's TERRIBLE. Why does the highest profile zombie game ever made have the worst zombies? Any hint of charm that was present in the early mod release is gone and what's left of the community seems to be latecomers who have been blinded by "oh my god we can play dressup Barbie". None of the actual important features have seen any forward progress, it has all been backwards. "It's an alpha" is a bullshit excuse when you've already made tens of millions of dollars and you're just conducting bullshit busy work that has no bearing on the actual game. So far DayZ is shaping up as the biggest waste of a chance that the game industry has ever seen, they're not making any progress and with games like The Division and H1Z1 on the radar they're not going to get a second chance.
  4. "We" don't NEED to know ANYTHING, the only reason private hives are so popular is because they're more readily administered and currently run much needed anti-cheat scripts that main-hive servers can't. Personally I'd rather see the stand alone be managed SOLELY by the developers to stop stupid bullshit like the Vilayer situation from happening again. I'd rather see well thought out maps with full support instead of the shitfest we have atm where there are a pile of maps that are all sub standard. "We" don't need private businesses running a monopoly on DayZ.
  5. Soooo.... what happens if my internet goes out while I'm "in combat" or I BSOD or something? Does that mean I just die for no reason? That seems a bit fucked up...
  6. Nekosan

    NEW Map Namalsk : Craziest/Funniest Moment EVER!

    I don't think you know what trolling is.... also your laugh is terrible.
  7. Exactly the same, just more scripters.
  8. Nekosan

    Did I get hacked? WTF happened?

    How the fuck do you have 922 posts on this forum and you somehow didn't INSTANTLY know what caused his problem? Hackers? LMAO. Dang man, do you even play? Time to stop giving advice IMO because you very plainly have no idea wtf you're talking about.
  9. Nekosan

    Did I get hacked? WTF happened?

    When you pass out or alt tab while holding a key it can count as you double tapping-to-hold(ala leaning) for keys where it normally wouldnt (ie:your movement keys), to fix it just tap the direction you're stuck moving and it will stop.
  10. Nekosan

    4 Czech Packs in US 2970

    Yeah you don't need to make a thread about every can of beans you think someone might want.
  11. Some of us have done that... I've spent hours countersniping various areas and playing guardian angel, I've done bike tours of Chernarus blasting Immortal Technique, fixed vehicles, jacked vehicles, operated a party bus, fixed choppers and spent hours shuttling noobs around just for the hell of it, I've tried every map currently released... You can only get so much enjoyment from the "features" currently in the game, there's no way to generate content of any form and unless you're in a locked (which is stupid) then EVERYTHING degenerates into pvp... maybe you're not murdering people but it's pvp none the less. The game needs to be more about zombies and survival and less about stupid shit, people in this thread need to get Rockets nutsack out of their mouths and either admit that the game in its current (and announced features) form is horribly flawed or just stay the hell out of threads like this one. Nothing constructive ever came out of blindly fondling a developers nutsack. I'm rather sure Rocket would prefer creative input over "shut up, it's alpha, dont play if you dont like it, go die". edit: also I'm not sure what kind of magical servers you're playing on but on EVERY server I've ever played Cherno/Electro was less dangerous on a person to person basis than anywhere else in the map, leave the coast and it's KOS for 99/100 people.
  12. The problem is that once you've been playing a while you can gear yourself in half an hour, once you're geared there's nothing to do except murder people. It's not even remotely close to a real sandbox because there are no tools, it's about as much a sandbox as any other game ever invented.
  13. If it says "CD key in use" then it means literally that, commander can't "permanently log you in" because it's just a different launcher. Somebody else has your CD key and is using it, you might not like hearing it but you've either been keylogged or attempted to get a hack and had your key stolen.
  14. Nekosan

    Can't join servers - No matter what.

    Update manually but launch through your dayz commander, that will solve your problem. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Just take the highlighted patch up top.
  15. Nekosan

    Can't join servers - No matter what.

    My dayz commander doesn't show the newest arma 2 beta patches, i had the same problem till i manually updated last night and realized there were 10+ patches that dont show up in commander.
  16. I find that whenever i get killed by a scripter it spawns me unconscious
  17. Nekosan

    FN FAL the best all rounder?

    Get out past 200m and the AIM sight is rubbish, the dot is too big and pixelated and it obscures targets, much better for intermediate and close up than the FAL though. I honestly think the best all rounder is any fo the m16/m4 versions, good accuracy at any range and STANAG is hidden under every rock.
  18. Nekosan

    To the hero in ANZ 5

    I thought this was going to be about the rampant hacking over the last few nights, the amount of noobs i've killed who had radios and thermal gear is staggering.
  19. Don't be stupid, he can easily run the game on nice settings, my pc isn't half as good as that and i manage to play without low res anything.
  20. Both weapons are used in totally different situations, we can't tell you how to play, stop being stupid.
  21. Nekosan


    Implying it's safe to trade with CamelJockey....
  22. There's absolutely no way to stop it.
  23. Nekosan

    New Camo clothing

    Oh look, it's this thread again. You know it was TERRIBLE camo right? Absolutely rubbish in both daylight and darkness.
  24. How exactly is that hacking? People enjoy different shit to you, deal with it.
  25. Nekosan

    Probally shouldn't have removed respawn

    Think before you post stupid shit please, the character data is not stored on your pc. If you don't know a legit answer then just keep your mouth shut and don't muddy the waters. Have you tried just changing server or relogging OP?