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Everything posted by jffr363

  1. jffr363

    Love the New Sway

    Is it possible for you to make a post not full of poison and insults?
  2. jffr363

    Love the New Sway

    I have repeatedly hit both zombies, deer, and a few players at around 300m with the mosin and LRS, using hold breath. It is definitly a little harder, but at that distance not too bad. No reason to be insulting in your post
  3. jffr363

    Love the New Sway

    You are right that trying to make a 800m shot with the current sway is probably next to impossible, but unless our Dayz characters are suppose to be trained snipers, they shouldnt be making 800m shots with a mosin, and certainly not with out a bipod or from some position where you can support the rifle. So i dont have a problem with it all. I am of the opinion that without a modern mil spec rifle, firing from a supported position, 800 -1000m shots should be next to impossible. But maybe that is just me.
  4. jffr363

    Love the New Sway

    Are you using hold breath? I have mine rebound from right mouse and it definitely helps. While prone and after a bit to rest after a run, i can get the mosin sway to be pretty minimal with hold breath. Personally i love the new sway. As a Texan who regularly shoots rifles, and who has never had any formal training, holding a heavy rifle still is hard, very hard. So making long shots is now much harder, but certainly not impossible, and too me, thats a good thing.
  5. jffr363

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    No reservations at all. Dayz is amazing right now and will only get better by the end of the year. Ill be one of first looking at whatever he moves onto, and if Dean's history is anything to go by, ill be buying and loving whatever else he makes as well.
  6. jffr363

    Dropped items on ground stay there for how long?

    I believe until a server restart
  7. jffr363

    dean this, rocket that

    What is the point of a post like this? or this thread for that matter? You haven't contributed anything constructive to the development of the game with this thread.
  8. jffr363

    dean this, rocket that

    Its also possible for someone to share some of his ideas. And while we may not know exactly what Dean's vision is for the game, im assuming he has something along those lines, and frankly Dean can make the game however he wishes, and if that mean conforming to some vision of his, that's fine with me. If it means he puts something or changes something I don't want, then maybe ill post something constructive to discuss it. But its not my decision, it is Dean's. If you don't like it, then don't play it.
  9. jffr363

    Disappearing ammo

    Yeah, this seems to happen all the time to me as well, but for a me a workaround is to always empty boxes of ammo in a section of my inventory with no sacks of ammo. For example, I move my stacks of ammo up to my shirt and vest, and make sure to only empty boxes out in my backpack. This seems to avoid the bug.
  10. jffr363

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    I found one yesterday in a hanger. Incredibly rare, imo probably the rarest item in game right now with the possible exception of the press vest, but they are still spawning.
  11. jffr363

    Do people still server hop?

    yeah hopping is something that will always exist is my opinion, but I have noticed the timers seems to be doing a decent job of eliminating combat logging/ghosting. Ghosting is still somewhat possible but difficult to do, and combat logging is often suicide. In my opinion, these were much greater issues than server hopping, because without respawning loot, server hopping is very high right now.
  12. So daydb has posted a new SA item database that includes values such as Armor(Bleed), Armor(shock), and Armor(ballistic). At a glance the values look to make sense, but I have no idea where they are getting their numbers. Are their numbers pulled from the files? Can anyone (hopefully a dev) shed any light on these values? Here is a link to the database in question: http://dayzdb.com/items Search for common clothing such as tact shirts, TTSKO Jacket and the vests, they have interesting values for armor. Just looking for some insight and to see what you guys think.
  13. jffr363

    dayz db clothing armor values?

    And their damage values for most weapons seem way off. Mosin does 200 damage to health? That doesn't make much sense. Im beginning to wonder if most of their info isn't just made up.
  14. I must have good internet or something cause I have yet to die to a fall or a ladder, and I have yet to run down stairs and break my leg in the new patch.
  15. Server hopping should also hopefully go down once respawning loot is added. Thats why alot of people hop, cause it can be a little annoying to log into a server and go to 3 empty towns in row.
  16. I think its actually cause you can sprint faster. I don't believe the map is any smaller.
  17. jffr363

    I'm not trying to start a war

    It is a compromise to help simulate a person awareness and peripheral vision, which you lack with a monitor and restricted FOV. But yeah, it can be abused. That's why there is hardcore. And I also know someone who gets motion sickness due to the movement animations and stuff in arma games.
  18. So there have been 2 posts on reddit recently that appear to be about people getting shot, but not bleeding. In my experience getting shot from pretty much any range, even with a vest on, caused bleeding, but maybe not that much damage. Anyone else noticed this? The posts in question: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xaezw/quite_sure_i_got_hit_by_lightning/ http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xae36/need_help_to_confirm_a_bug_sewing_kit_repaired/ The sewing kit post doesn't seem to be any bug related to the sewing kit, just sounds like he was shot and didn't bleed. The lightning post to me sounds like he was maybe shot with the new B95 from long range and the shooter simply didn't come to loot him. Just looking for thoughts or if any once can report similar experiences.
  19. jffr363

    Guns not casuing bleeding?

    So it seems guns can still cause it, so maybe it just doesn't happen as easily. Is it too hard to get you think? I'm not sure I want to post a bug on the tracker, as it almost seems like it could be something done by design.
  20. jffr363

    Guns not casuing bleeding?

    Thanks for the reply guys, this certainly seems a little strange. I will have to do some testing. Yeah before zombies would usually cause bleeding unless you were wearing military vests or other heavy clothing. But even with a vest and Ballistic helmet guns always did. I am at work currently, but can anyone basically go stand next to a bunch of zombies and see if you start bleeding at all? Ill test this myself when I get home.
  21. jffr363

    Personal Hosted Server

    Im pretty sure this isn't an option currently, but will be at some point down the road. This kinda goes with private hives, which aren't available yet, but will be at some point.
  22. jffr363

    Missing Ushankas?

    Apparently a bug, its being fixed.
  23. jffr363

    Talk about priorities...

    As i said earlier, server stability seems fine to me. Server stability is a long ongoing process. Combat logging/Server Hopping/Ghosting were having a large negative effect of gameplay, so the developers released a method for us to test to fight this. In my opinion the system works well. Further, the servers are not owned or operated by Bohemia, meaning they can only work on server stability from a software standpoint. This can be difficult due to difference in server hardware. Some servers are gonna be great, others are going to suck, so at what point do you decide to stop working on optimization? They only have so many resources and right now most of those are devoted to fixing direct bugs in the game, and adding new content and systems to test. Should they continue to optimize servers? Yes. Is it going to happen quickly? No. Should they prioritize the optimization? They are.
  24. jffr363

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    I always seem to find an M4 at the top floor of the school when im hoping for a mosin
  25. jffr363

    Talk about priorities...

    Ill make one comment on this. I have no issues with servers being unstable. I stick to gamerserver.com, MPGS and vilaryer servers only and have never been dc'd and only very rarely get small lag spikes. I would say i have decent internet but its not fiber optic or anything. That is all.