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Everything posted by jffr363

  1. jffr363

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    I can understand wanting to balance for other weapons, so make it a 3 shot kill, and and anything short of Kevlar should have almost 0 effect on the damage of high velocity rounds. You can put a dozen shirts on and its not gonna help against a 5.56 round. Even Kevlar does little at lower ranges. What bullets would you want then to be 2 and 3 shot kills if the m4 is a 4 shot kill? The 7.62x51/.308? That thing should be a one shot kill at anything inside of 800m, and anything bigger than that, is a 1 shot kill. Edit: I guess what I would do, is fill the 4 shot kill void with PDW style weapons such as the P90. That to me seems perfect for a 4 shot kill weapon, and then you can leave the M4 a 3 shot kill, but make it effected less by anything but higher grade armor. Meaning it should be a 3 shot kill regardless of what cloths hes wearing unless its like military grade Kevlar with ballistic plates
  2. jffr363

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    I didn't say that a person can't die from a .22. They very much can. But there is a real difference in the amount of actually injury cause by different caliber rounds, the human body is not equally fragile to all calibers. If it was, the military wouldn't be wasting its time with bigger calibers
  3. jffr363

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    Yeah, but it took you 50 stabs, it only takes one nuke. My point is saying two things are equally lethal because they both can kill is silly. If you shoot 2 people in the chest from say 50m away, one with a .22 and one with a 5.56, which one suffers worse injury? Which one is more likely to die if treated? Which one dies faster if untreated?
  4. jffr363

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    .22 and 5.56 equally lethal?! Explain that one. By that logic, a nuke and knife are equally lethal
  5. jffr363

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    M4 4-5 shot kill?! Im all for balancing weapon damage, but the 5.56 mm round is deadly especially in the 100-200m range. Inside of 200m the M4 should be a 3 shot kill MAX maybe, honestly a 2 shot kill is good. People may say that's overpowered, but there is a reason NATO uses 5.56 mm guns, it is a very effective round. There should probably be more damage drop off at range though, especially beyond 400m. The 5.56 lethality goes way down out at that range. The python I agree should probably be a 2 shot kill. The FNX as a .45 should be deadly at close range, 3 shot kill max, but should loose damage and accuracy real quick, at 50m easily more like 4 shots. The SKS and AKM/47 are more difficult to balance, they should be less accurate, especially at range than the M4, but do similar damage at around 100m or so, but it should probably keep its damage out to longer range better than an M4 on account of its bigger bullet. So it should be hard to land those 500m shots with it, but it should do some monster damage at that range. I agree the mosin is almost perfect :) the 7.62x54r is a big nasty round
  6. jffr363

    Painted M4

    Anyone spraypainted an M4 yet? Just wanted to see a pic of one, as I haven't seen anyone post one yet
  7. jffr363

    Painted M4

    Well the new patch notes make it look like they fixed any issues with painting the M4 in the experimental, so someone should try it and post a screen. I would but im at work :(
  8. jffr363

    Painted M4

    You can in the experimental, which is what I mean, so just trying to see if anyone has a screenshot of one yet
  9. jffr363

    Mosin Compensator question

    Im pretty sure the config files, have both the silencer and the compensator providing a slight increase to accuracy actually. And by that I mean the reduce the dispersion of the weapon similar to the magpul parts for an M4. A pristine mosin, while prone and with a bipod is already very accurate, so its probably not a big improvement, but I would think its a noticeable effect if your standing, but I haven't tested it yet.
  10. jffr363

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    Age 23 Gender: male Country: USA Texas Played mod: yes 200+ hrs
  11. I have died exactly one time from falling so far in 150 hrs of playing, and that was my own damn fault for doing a running vault(jump) instead of a standing vault on the top of a school, so I went right of the roof. I just facepalmed and kept playing
  12. jffr363


    They aren't that rare. I found one in a school earlier today. Kinda mad cause i wanted a shotgun or mosin. And you usually have 1 or 2 spawn at each airfield or military base on reset, so yeah its kinda about being lucky and finding it.
  13. jffr363

    Salin bag nerf?

    So the patch notes mention balancing the saline bag, which is a good thing. But its not very specific. Anyone tested it yet? Any idea what it does now?
  14. jffr363

    Salin bag nerf?

    Gotcha, thanks for the video! 500 is a major decrease lol! Maybe a little too low, as you can regen 500 blood from the healing satus in like 3 mins. Not much incentive to use the Saline then. I guess blood bags giving 1000 can be useful if you get hit by an m4.
  15. To expand on my other point ill quote Wikipedia: "The downside to the use of .45 ACP in suppressed weapons is that increasing the diameter of the passage through a suppressor decreases the suppressor's efficiency; thus, while .45 ACP is among the most powerful suppressed pistol rounds, it is also one of the loudest. Most .45 suppressors must be fired "wet" (with an ablative medium, usually water) to bring sound levels down to "hearing-safe" (under 140 dB, generally)." So it seems even with a suppressor and sub sonic ammo, .45acp pistols aren't exactly quiet.
  16. The FNX45 shouldn't really need to use sub sonic ammo. Putting a suppressor on a .45acp pistol simple drops the muzzle velocity below super sonic, if its super sonic at all. Heavier grain .45acp rounds don't even break sound barrier without a suppressor.
  17. jffr363

    Hive problem

    I have had no problems other than a rollback. Every server i have connected to has my character, and saves it as well. But then again, i only ever connect to MPGS, gamerservers or vilayer, servers for this very reason.
  18. jffr363

    Well this is cute..........

    I dont think they took away the night... It just looks like once the servers got back up, they defaulted to standard cycle on a GMT time zone, so us here in the NA are looking at a bunch of servers that are at 3am currently. Not a big deal, wait a couple of hours and the sun will come up. Hopefully in the next week or so, server hosters will balance server time zones, but honestly the 24/7 day servers should stay away
  19. jffr363

    Spray Painted My Gun, And it Vanished.

    Hey i did this once and thought the same thing, but i ended up finding about 10ft in front of where i painted it. Repainted to test and sure enough it vanished for like 30 secs and then appeared about 10ft in front of me. Although this seemed to happen when i put the gun in my hand and then painted it. If i put it on the floor and painted it, it usually just appeared right there.
  20. jffr363

    Desync when near friend

    So i have been playing dayz just fine for the last week, and i got a friend to get it and we attempted to meet up in game, but ran into huge desync issues when near each other. I could run like 200m away, and our desync would go away and everything would seem to work, but as soon as we got near each other, everything just stopped working. Anyone ran into similar issues with specific people? Its just really frustrating that we could play separately but as soon as we try to get near it won't work anymore.
  21. This is just a shout out to unashamedsniper, who i ran into at the NWAF. I heard him firing at the tent city (hint: even on a low pop server, don't shoot at NWAF), and followed him, he made a run for the treeline on the west side of the airfield away from the tent city, and i fired several moison shots at him and hit nothing. So i pursued, a little too quickly assuming he probably logged in the trees and practically ran into him, so i hid behind a tree pulled out my M4, and he had headed back out of the treeline trying to see find me, and 4 or 5 well place M4 shots put him down. One of the more exciting moments i have had, especially since i almost screwed up. But anyways, the point of the post was to thank unashamedsniper for being a man and not combat logging.
  22. jffr363

    Desync when near friend

    Thanks for the responses guys, glad to see the community responding and glad this is a known issue. Did some more testing today as my friend and I had this issue in the woods outside berezino so we got on separate servers and things seem to be working fine, so we ran out in the woods west of berezino and got easily 500m+ away from any buildings and logged in to the same server fairly close to each other and immediately had desync issues while within about 100m or so of each other.
  23. jffr363

    Desync when near friend

    Yeah we tried several different servers, and we would log in next to each other and often we couldnt even see each other. We then tried running away from each other and then logging in, and we would be fine until we got close, and then bam, massive desync. I just played for like an hour by myself with no issues. But its really frustrating that i cant play with my friend.
  24. lookig to trade a m240 w 2 belts, post with offers
  25. jffr363

    Six Updater

    the update is manual only right now in order to test it, rocket will release it to six launcher when hes sastisfied its stable, read theofficial update post