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Everything posted by elliotle

  1. elliotle

    Never trust a N00b

    You have made the game worse.
  2. elliotle

    Humans turn into Zombies when they die!!

    Sounds kinda cool actually!
  3. Unrealistic. The only 50 survivors of a zombie apocalypse won't already have weapons? Stupid.
  4. I wish I had more hands...so I could give this montage FOUR THUMBS DOWN! Sammy, show Charlie Murphy your titties!
  5. I like it. Got kicked from a server today just for looting the body of an admin. I don't usually look at which server I'm on. Guess I should start.
  6. elliotle

    Admin Abuse in US 1408

    Hey just had the same thing happen to me, except this time the admin was Bob.
  7. It sounds like you might have a legal case! Let me put you in contact with my associates at Cry and More. I know you may be thinking "Do I really deserve all the loot from people I killed for no reason, even though I didn't work for it?" Well, no, of course not. But as crooked as our legal system is, you may just get it! Also be sure to take advantage of your ability to whine about people disconnecting when you engage your psychopathic tendency to kill wantonly on the Dayz message boards! That's sure to make everybody more sympathetic to your case!
  8. Sounds good. Don't listen to all the braindead bandits on here who try to say every fucking change is "punishing them" somehow. Making zombies harder and weapons more rare would be for the best. After all, if every other citizen in this country has a gun lying around, why the fuck don't the only 50 people to survive the zombie apocalypse not have one to start with?
  9. elliotle


    I did not know that. That is terribly unrealistic.
  10. The stats on the main page concerning the bandit/survivor ratio don't take into account all the survivors who unload their one Makarov magazine into another survivor and get slaughtered by zombies. You have to get 3 kills to be a bandit. Not everybody survives that many interactions with other people on this game.
  11. elliotle

    FPS drop or something

    Same here
  12. elliotle

    run speed over different ground

    No it's good because players can take the calculated risk of running quickly through highly visible areas or more slowly in less visible areas.
  13. It isn't punishing anything. It is making the game more realistic.
  14. James Holmes? I thought you were in prison!
  15. Stay out of the movie theater, we have the next psychopathic mass shooter here.
  16. elliotle

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Rough play? I have been a lifelong gamer, but I also live here in reality. The game was touted as a realistic zombie survival sim. Because of braindead bandits constantly killing everybody, it is an unrealistic free for all deathmatch. I stopped playing CoD because I hated how unrealistic it was. I have been forced to shoot somebody in real life. It isn't fun even when you HAVE TO DO IT TO SURVIVE. There ARE consequences even in disasters for killing somebody, especially if it is unwarranted killing. I am also a psychologist. Very few people have the ability to take another life, and fewer still would do so as wantonly as almost everybody does in this game. Of course, you are all message board geniuses hiding in anonymity behind your keyboards. The bottom line is that I am significantly more intelligent than all of you and my arguments are more eloquently crafted and use sounder logic than yours, but you don't care because "derp derp get over it derp derp I like shooting ppl derp."
  17. elliotle

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    You are the kind of sick psychopath that would kill people on sight in real life. You are a vast minority. Fortunately the rest of the human race is superior to you.
  18. elliotle

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Because they are able to take an impressive game like Dayz and mimic the atmosphere and gameplay while correcting the cancer that is the constant bandit PVP problem that ruins the Dayz experience. If they copy Dayz exactly and find a way to bring murdering, shoot on sight psychopaths down to realistic proportions then it will be better than Dayz.
  19. elliotle

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Yes. They have already interviewed the development team and they are already addressing the bandit problems that Dayz has. They have settlements with military police. If you murder somebody within the settlement the military police come after you. There are consequences for crimes, even in disasters. Just ask all the people who were arrested in New Orleans during Katrina.
  20. elliotle

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Yes. The unrealistic quantity of psychopaths engaging in kill on sight behavior in this game will drive players in droves to War Z. There are consequences to killing people, in war, murder, or disaster. War Z will address them nicely. So far it seems like nobody cares in Day Z.
  21. Was in the tower across from the firestation in Elektro. Was crawling down the stairs (some genius bandit shot my leg from God knows where). Had to use the fence jump button to finally get to the bottom and started crawling away when suddenly a green shirt zombie WARPS THROUGH THE WALL AND KNOCKS ME UNCONSCIOUS! As if that wasn't lame enough, he displayed no attack animation, but just kept walking and bulldozing my unconscious bleeding body all through the lobby of the tower until I was dead. This might have been the only time I actually laughed out loud when I died. So beware the wall warping bulldozer zombies...
  22. Never has a quote become more true...
  23. elliotle

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    You are wrong. I'm a psychologist. I have actually had to shoot someone. You know nothing. You ARE nothing. I am extremely intelligent and you are warped and slow.
  24. elliotle

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    He is merely dismantling the stale argument the scumbag bandits use that "if it were a real zombie apocalypse then everybody would kill on sight" and causing them to justify being an asshole with some other lame excuse that he can then dismantle. The ultimate goal being for you to realize that deep down you are truly shitty human beings for ruining other gamers' experiences and this mod. Can't wait for War Z. Sounds more realistic than this game.