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Budzilla (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Budzilla (DayZ)

  1. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Laptop question.

    So I plan on purchasing this laptop, and was wondering if it would run DayZ. Thanks in advance! (If the link doesn't work for you, let me know.) http://www.amazon.ca...55801664&sr=8-1
  2. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Laptop question.

    Haha that was like when I was using bootcamp on my Mac-book pro. Cost me like $1200, and could barley run it on medium-high. Some things even had to be set on low. As long as it plays, I'm happy. B)
  3. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Laptop question.

    Good to hear. I'm getting it for rather cheap from a friend, so I'm fine with that! Haha, i'll definitely remember that! From what I've heard this game is near impossible to play without one. :P
  4. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Anyone having trouble downloading the beta patches, when the text box appears asking for name and password, uncheck the "sign in as anonymous" box, and you should be good to go.
  5. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I would like to know as well, I have yet to see any servers with the update. And which beta version do we need to play on servers? 94444?
  6. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Poor kid at Pridorgski

    Your like every other noob, and you "fight or flight" crap. Maybe he woud have been friendly and joined you, how do you know he was going to kill you?
  7. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Zombies in Gear Stands

    For the movement thing, I dont see anything such as that being implemented into this mod. Ever. As for the zombie in deer stands, I have also seen them up inside the stand, so you arent even able to go loot it. Definitley something that needs to be fixed. Zombies should NOT be able to swim or climb ladders.
  8. Budzilla (DayZ)

    How long until You have to drink/eat ?

    They both depend on quite a few variables. For thirst, things such as temperature, if your runnning or walking etc. effect how fast it goes down. For hunger the only things I know of are if you are running, or under attack (Your character is panicking) your hunger will go down much faster.
  9. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Day Z on a Mac Book Pro

    I have the $1200 late 2010 model, and I can run it smooth on medium-high settings w/ postprocessing, but without AA. I suggest not spending the money on a mac if you even are considering gaming. Installing bootcamp was a hassle, as well as having to reinstall drivers etc.
  10. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Yesterday I had my leg broken by a zombie and was bleeding out. I managed to get behind cover to bandage up and started crawling around Cherno looking for the hostpital, as I didnt know where it was. I was calling out "Help me!" and such over Direct Com. and about 3 minutes later a guy found me and helped me behind cover and gave me morhpine and a blood bag. I even had an Alice pack, M9 SD and AK-74 he could have easily killed me for, and he didnt. Moral of the story, not everyone is out to get you. Just hide and call out to them. If you see them and they dont see you, ask them to lower their weapon, and if they dont, take it as a sign of aggression and shoot.
  11. Horrible idea for combat loggers, they would rather keep their gear and have to walk back to town then die, so they will still just alt-f4. And people will exploit it to loot farm. (They will have characters spread out all throughout Chernarus's different towns)
  12. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Mountain Dew??

    I believe Pepsi and Coke are paying Rocket for the advertisment, but Mountain Dew is paying less therefor you dont see it as much in game. lmao thats just what I think. I dont see why else there would be brand name things in the game, like how the beans say Heinz on them etc.
  13. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Knight you have obviously never been cornered in a supermarket with zombies glitching through the doors and counters, with nothing but a hatchet. Their are times where us as alpha "testers" are forced to Alt-F4 against the bugged AI, but when it comes to disconnecting during PvP, there is nothing wrong with the system, therefor absolutley no reason to disconnect. In the end I believe there just needs to be an unbindale suicide key set to Alt-F4, as well as a disconnect timer so you are unable to disconnect imediatley.
  14. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Lee Enfield VS Helicopter + Playlist

    Unrealisticly loud? You must have never shot a bolt action in real life..
  15. Budzilla (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Could you list the 10 longest living survivors, and do any of them have a mountain dew?
  16. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I can agree, I too use it on zombies just because at the moment they are still a little (very) bugged seeing as its still alpha, and sometimes they get very frustrating, like when they walk through doors or walls, and hit you through walls. But using it during PvP is'nt right.
  17. Budzilla (DayZ)

    M1911 or Revolver?

    M1911 Hands down.
  18. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I believe that the skin should be optional, so after you kill said amount of players, an option comes up asking if you would like the Bandit skin, or stick to the survivor one.
  19. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    Actually I was wrong, I come across MUCH more than 3 a day. Yesterday alone I counted, and found 15 places where there was the sound of flies with no bodies around.
  20. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    At the very least remove the fly sound from sticking around after the body has been buried!!
  21. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Remove the Hourglass When Unconcious

    Yes, exactly Admiral. And Vuce, i'm not sure it would require post processing as it wouldnt be the same sort of blur, it would just be a blur filter.
  22. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Remove the Hourglass When Unconcious

    Well, it will start really blurry, but depedending how fast the bluriness goes away will clue you in as to how long youll be unconcious.
  23. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Lock the Doors!

    think step 1 should be to keep the zombies from just walking through closed existing doors. This^' date=' I have yet to see a zombie NOT walk through a door. Probably about 80-90% of the time they can walk right through it. This NEEDS to be fixed, seeing as of 1.7.1 the feature of zombies not being able to open doors was added. How is it a bad idea? If Rocket added the disconnect timer, and the unbindable Alt-F4 suicide key, this would be perfect.
  24. Budzilla (DayZ)

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    At LEAST 3 times a day I come across buildings etc. with the fly sounds, and not a single body to be found in sight. It's really starting to bug me. I agree they need to disable this feature, and people that dont want others to loot need to either take the gear, or go drop it somewhere hidden, off the corpse. REMOVE THIS FEATURE PLEASE!
  25. Budzilla (DayZ)

    The most common exploit in the game

    This ^, make Alt-F4 an unbindable key ingame that kills your character, any one foolish enough to press it, have fun losing your gear. For the people actually disconnecting and not Alt-F4'ing, I support the timer. Make a 20-30 second timer, where your character is still sitting there, and able to be killed and looted. For the magazine thing, I think that all magazines that are NOT full, should disappear when you log off. So either use up that extra 4 bullets, or they wont be their when you log in next.