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Budzilla (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Budzilla (DayZ)

  1. Support. Although something else should be added instead. Maybe slowly your vision gets from blurry, back to normal, and thats an indication of how long you'll be out for. Just an idea.
  2. + Infinity for this post. Thats all I have to say.
  3. Budzilla (DayZ)

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

    This^ And sure Devil, if your living your obviously doing something right, but not when that involves using exploits. As I said, time for all you exploiters to start playing legitly (Well, all you off-map exploiters anyway.)
  4. Budzilla (DayZ)

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

  5. Budzilla (DayZ)

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29123 Wow, am I ever happy to see that!!! ^^^ Thats some of the best news i've heard in awhile. Good luck now all you exploiters ;) now you get to play the game how its meant to be played.
  6. Budzilla (DayZ)

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

    DevilDog, I too am a fan of your videos, but I just find it extremeley annoying people feel the need to hide things off map. Chernarus is FAR from being small, I would say 225/225 square Km is pretty damn big, and thats a HUGE understatement. The land is loaded with infinite possibliites of where to set up camps and stash vehicles. And even if you lose you stuff, so what? Its part of the game, you cant live forever, unless you exploit. One of this biggest rules in DayZ, "NEVER get attacthed to your gear, you will eventually lose it. It is inevitable."
  7. Budzilla (DayZ)

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

    LMAO at all you people who think its fun to hoard vehicles outside the map and only use them for yourself. You guys are on a whole other level of "D-bag'ism" than the people that disconnect and Alt-F4, you guys are the ones that ruin the game for others, vehicles are meant to be found, not hoarded away for your own little panzy group to use when ever you feel like it. Damn people like you guys piss me off. (No, not you OP, your camp is still in the boundries)