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Bell Pepper

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About Bell Pepper

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Gaming, particle/nuclear physics, computer hardware, various gadgets & trinkets

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  • Bio
    I'm just another guy who likes great things, and DayZ is one of them.
  1. I heard that this is a character bug and having a friend shoot you in the legs and applying morphine after fixes this, but I can't confirm.
  2. "***" is a multiplayer hacking community. This is obviously a hacker. ;)
  3. Bell Pepper

    Friendly or bandit? The Wallet.

    Then let the servers change their settings! :D I LOVE this idea. I think it would be a GREAT addition to the game, however, how would it distinguish a murder as an actual assault or an act of self-defense? Also, would everyone start out as "friendly?" If so, there are always friendlies ready to turn bandit and kill someone for their loot which would defeat the purpose of this addition... How would we counter these issues??
  4. What did you name them? And maybe if you throw something where you are or shoot again, they'll start coming back up?
  5. What if you're raiding a camp with a campfire and one or more enemies? You're their buddy now...? And what if your game crashes...? Tough beans then...? :(
  6. Bell Pepper

    Group Events

    This sounds very cool, but before this happens, the zombies need to be tweaked a bit more. It'd be a bit hard to hold down the area with zombies running through your barricades! :P
  7. Bell Pepper

    Servers not showing?

    There was some stuff on Twitter posted about this a day ago. I'm not sure if they're doing the same thing again or if it's still going on, but they told us to use this server list as a temporary replacement: http://arma2.swec.se/server/list and connect using their IPs.
  8. Bell Pepper

    Have this spawn only at night.

    I expected something to jump out at me at the end...
  9. How is this happening to you guys? Are you all wearing camo suits or what? O_O
  10. Bell Pepper

    New sense: Smell?

    +support for buckets that we can set up at our camp to bathe in!
  11. Bell Pepper

    Show available slots for tents

    Items don't get deleted when the tent is full; they appear on the ground outside of the tent just a tad bit far away from it. :P But I do agree with this: tents and vehicles should probably show how many slots they hold and how many are available.
  12. Bell Pepper

    Feign death

    Get shot by the enemy, and if you don't die or go unconcious, go prone and keep your gun down until they come near you. That's when you fuck their shit!! :D Though, be cautious as an experienced player may shoot you again when you're prone or realize that there are no fly sounds.
  13. You can find the CZ550 hunting rifle typically in barns (I usually see them at the topmost areas inside of the barn).
  14. * Server this happened on. - Seattle 100 * Time that it happened including your timezone. - 10:30 AM EST-ish * What happened during the incident. - Okay. I was riding back to my squad's camp with our tractor as I heard gunshots. Parked the tractor and looked around; found 3 guys. Killed them all with an M249 SAW. Looked at their bodies and found guns such as an AKS (it was gold), hacked LMG, and some other gun I don't remember. I also noticed a bunch of spawned ammo crates with nothing in them anymore around our base. I hid the bodies so the illegitimate guns disappeared. Two of the guys' names were "refresh" and "JOKER." I don't remember the other one unfortunately... [EDIT] Lost connection to the server and rejoined 10 minutes later. We saw a green helicopter flying but JOKER and refresh are not in the server; I wonder if the other hacker is here or they saved it to the map and a normal player is using it...?
  15. What caused your problem is the military camo. It is bugged. DO NOT equip it!