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Posts posted by terox

  1. The one area of the game that does need some development is a higher aim.

    At the moment we just run around killing zombies, grabbing loot and the occasional PVP

    For this mod to have some longjevity it needs something else


    a) Zombies on side "Resistance"

    b) Faction A on side "West", dressed in BLUE faction clothing

    c) Faction B on side "East", dressed in RED Faction clothing

    Faction A and B players can still develop into Bandits and cause mayhem

    Each faction has a HQ, where missions can be taken from an NPC commander or a radio object on a desk etc

    Missions could be taken from a gui, eg Select type of mission you want to do, Assasinate, gather item etc

    Each mission objective adds a score to the player and also to the players faction

    Completion of a mission could reward with a special item

    Individual Missions

    • a) Find Medical Items _x, bring it to HQ Medical centre
      b) Find Munitions Items _x, bring it to HQ Armoury
      c) Find vehicle part _x, bring it to Vehicle repair shop
      d) Assasinate Other faction Commander
      e) Assasinate other faction Player

    Group Missions

    Available when a leader of a group containing more than one player selects a mission

    • a) Clear an area of all zombies (Siezed by trigger and killed event handler useage)
      b) Lots more ideas

    Faction Missions

    • a) Escort Truck to a forward operating area, when there, set up a base and gain territory
      b) Control a vital asset, such as a port, airfield , hospital etc for a set time, keeping it free of zombies and under your control (Siezed by trigger) which increases the loot drop in that area but also the zombie head count, which requires an increased player presence to defend
      c) Find, repair and return a helicopter to the HQ Landing pad

    Ultimate AIM

    Faction to achieve score X (a very high score) wins the game, game terminates and the mission restarts

  2. This is already in the game' date=' although currently broken. I heard that Rocket passed it on to the ARMA2 devs and that they are making a patch for it.

    It's called direct chat, and you can only hear it within a certain range.


    Are you sure direct chat is broken, it works for me all the time

  3. Or it could be in the debug monitor, which would be great. Also am I the only one requesting a Debug Monitor toggle?

    The debug monitor is a hint box, just needs an extra line adding to it

    Ref the toggle for the debug monitor, this could be done via an addaction menu entry, so you have to select it and then the hint box would pop up for a few seconds then disappear.

    The problem is you cant keep adding action menu items otherwise the list in your action menu gets too big.

    However, what you can do is have a "Additional Actions" menu entry, which when selected opens up a nested set of actions that are not as essential or required immediately, thus tidying up the menu action a lot

  4. Satchel Charges

    These are already in ArmA2

    Placing them as a booby trap then lying in wait for an unsuspecting bandit/survivor or setting a timer on it which when detonated gets every zombie within X distance to come running would be a very very cruel way to kill players or a very effective way to get zombies away from an area

    Gotta make em fairly rare

  5. When the servers have their own database, (At the moment all the saved data is held on 1 central database) then each server will save only its data and the synching from one server to the other will most likely not be needed anymore

  6. Ability for a player to have their own ammo crate, which they can bury / hide

    This ability could be given to them by allowing them to find an item, which when put down would convert into a weapons crate which has an action to "Bury" and then alternatively to "Dig up" which would simply run code such as

    _crate setpos [getpos _crate select 0, getpos _crate select 1, -0.5];

    A player that happens to walk above the crate would get a flash of the "Gear" action Icon or the "Dig Up" action and could then loot the crate, thus not making the crate completely unlootable but allowing a player to stash his loot.

    Ideally this would be synched to all servers or when the dedicated servers have their own database, then only locally on that server

  7. Ability, via addaction for two or more players to join a group.

    Eg approach a "Leader" player and ask to join his group or the leader of that group invites a non member to join his group via an addaction menu.

    And if they have radio's, allow a version of shack tacs hud to initialise for each player in the group, on the condition there is more than 1 player in the group.

    This group system would only be local to the server they were on, but could with a bit of coding (setvariable an array on the player the UID's of the other group members) be recreated when the players in that group find themselves on a different server, should they wish

  8. Some vehicle ideas

    a) Random damaged vehicles with driver/passenger slots locked, but with ammo/weapons/items in their cargo slots

    b) A Found and fixed vehicle has a unique key (SetVariable Players name) so its then worth the player spending the time repairing the vehicle

    Nobody can then steal the vehicle if its parked up, but they can still carjack it if the player is driving it. This however would only be worth it once the Dedicated servers run their own local database.

  9. To get the server name (in reality the last selected server in the server list) while you're in-game:


    ctrlText((findDisplay 8) displayCtrl 129)

    this could be added to the hint box that displays the debug data

    _message = _message + format ["\nServer: %1", ctrlText((findDisplay 8) displayCtrl 129)];

    hint _message;
