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Posts posted by terox

  1. In its present state, bearing in mind it is only an Alpha, it doesn't really encourage teamplay now does it?

    How many groups of players do you see roaming around compared to solo players will answer that question.

    The reason for this as Mutonizer stated, is that on any encounter with a player, you expect someone will die, and most likely that will be the case. So avoidance of this is paramount unless you want to live the life of a bandit

    This has nothing to do with which server you are on, as the synchronisation via the central database allows players to migrate with the daylight and having played on quite a few servers now, I haven't seen an admin do anything other than restart the server. So this mentality if shoot first ask questions later is rife throughout probably because players don't see a benefit to not doing that, which is a shame

    I think the main issue is the amount of this going on, its as if we all live in the Bronx and everyone is out to get everyone. This is not the case even as history shows where there is little law, the populous doesn't massacre one n other, its only a small proportion that acts inhumanely. I think ta good example of this would be the US's wild west era

    its obvious this thread is not going to progress any further than arguing, so i'm gonna drop out at this point and will also be dropping out of playing the mod for now, unless Rocket brings something in that will change the current gameplay into something more interesting.

    I have played this for over 2 weeks now, I know where all the best stuff is and I've played all the different roles, without a higher purpose there is nothing more here for me at the moment but repetition, enjoy your gaming.

  2. Its not the pvp element I want to stop!!!

    I just want to promote more teamplay between survivors

    Simple messages should be.

    I am a bandit, I will kill you to rob you, so stay clear of me at all costs

    I am s survivor, I dont really want to kill anyone, and would like to team up to aid in my survival


    I am a player therefore I will kill you, and on the rare chance that I am a good player, you wont believe me so you will just shoot me anyway

  3. I've played it for 2 weeks now, and I like the role playing element of it. I've played with my community members, worked with groups at night which is by far the most fun. Played solo, hunted bandits and had a very high zombie kill score

    I know where every loot spot is, know where to get the best stuff, know what equipment I actually need. The one thing I havent done is killed a survivor skinned player nor would I.

    I personally dont want a bandit skin however if I had returned fire every time a survivor skinned player engaged me, I would now be a bandit, and why did they engage me, probably just their mentality as there would have been no benefit for it. This for me spoils the mod big time. I have absolutely no issue with bandits killing me, as that is how it should play out.

    I hope somehow this is addressed and the gameplay steered in a different direction than it is currently going

  4. @ Mutonizer I think that's a fair portrayal of the different mindsets.

    The problem is that the FPS Killbot junkie screws the gameplay up for others and does takeaway any teamplay that can occur between the solo players who do want to roleplay.

    Anything that encourages against the FPS attitude in my opinion is better than doing nothing and simply accepting it.

    Murders between survivors should be abnormal, not normal

    And unfortunately The Killing Joke, the southern coastal towns, Elektro and Cherno are death match arena's regardless of what you think

    Any "experienced" player only enters these areas if they want a deathmatch or because they have recently been killed and need some basic kit before they venture north.

    Moving the respawn point to the east coast or to the north forested areas would to a certain extent reduce this is as the impatient FPS player wouldnt want to spend the time walking all the way there

  5. What the actual fuck? Really? Why? What purpose does this serve? Why should everyone in the world know where somebody is just because that guy shot somebody? It serves no purpose except to draw more players to that guy' date=' by which he can get more kills or he gets spawn-camped.


    until he becomes a fully fledged bandit or a decent humanitarian survivor yes.

    If you dont want to stop survivors killing survivors for the sake of it then fine, the mod will simply become a deathmatch, its already going down that path now, or havent you noticed.

    Dont you think the type of gameplay that should be encouraged is

    Survivors helping survivors.

    Bandits killing anyone for gain ?

    At the moment, the survivor skin doesn't actually play a part, as the typical attitude is kill every player anyway, so we might as well all have bandit skins

    What purpose does it serve?, as you just stated it would cause the player to be spawn camped, thus not encouraging killing players unless you wanted to be a bandit, which is why the tracking system would inly run for a short time through a small humanity threshold.

    And please please do you have to resort to swearing to get your point over.

  6. Although I am not adverse to survivors killing survivors, the emphasis should really be survivors helping survivors and bandits trying to rob everyone and that' where we should be trying to steer it towards. Otherwise we might as well all have bandit skins.

    Typical scenario new player joins, maybe doesn't understand the gameplay, kills the first person they see and becomes a bandit.

    Should they now realise what they have done and want to undo this, they have a really big problem trying to get back into the survivor skin.

    With knowledge of the arma engine the following may help to rebalance the gameplay that we are currently seeing.

    1) Increase the threshold of when a survivor turns into a bandit so that he has to kill a few survivors before he reskins.

    2) Any "Survivor skinned" player who has murdered more than 1 survivor automatically has a marker tracking their either exact or approximate location in the map, so that anyone with a map can see where they are.

    The marker tracking stops if they become a bandit or they increase there humanity level.

    3) if they continue on their killing spree, then there intention must be to become a bandit, at which point, after a few more kills, they reskin and the marker tracking is disabled on them.

    4) More ways to increase their humanity, but there is a maximum humanity limit , this will stop someone who is a survivor gaining masses of humanity and then going on a survivor murder spree.

    Possibly give an increase to humanity for killing a bandit

    5) Add a reputation score, this can be incremented by allowing each player to perform an action on another play, just once per player. So if Player A helps someone in anyway, another player can approach them, and run an action on them which adds a +1 to their reputation score. But they can only do this to Player A once. Its a way of saying thankyou.

    This score can then be seen via a small overlay popup when you point your cursor at the player. This will allow an other player to see how trustworthy they are. This could represent human instinct and make approaching other players a little easier and therefore enhancing any chance of teamplay this mod has, without having to be in a clan

  7. The ingame voip can either be turned off or on in the server configs. It would require an engine edit to do anything else such as limit it to direct chat.

    The ingame chat channels cannot be turned off and would require an engine edit.

    The other alternative, "ACRE" although its very immersive, especially when playing the milsim side of this game does add an extra level of difficulty and comes with other complications such as everyone would need to be on the same teamspeak server. Maybe the hardcore (Veteran) servers could utilise this and turn ingame voip off but its not 100% of a solution, far from it.

    If you were to somehow turn the chat channels off (May be possible to edit the dialogue so that the text and chat are colourless although I doubt it, how would you then help out newcomers to the game who don't have a microphone and know nothing of Teamspeak ?

    The ingame chat channels are engine based, and as this is a mod is likely to be out of Rockets capability

  8. Problem I see is how do you detect and therefore punish correctly, a disconnect due to a zombie chase or an issue caused by lag or server/client crash.

    You could just use the timer save that occurs every XD seconds, however if someone gets killed he could then log out and have a save that was X seconds old and therefore not die.

    What is very possible is an action in the menu that allows a player to log out, this could run code that disables the user input for a few seconds, so no key commands are accepted (Command ref "DisableUserInput" and then using a server admin code, kick the player off the server

    If the player logs out using this method, then his equipment is saved

    If he just disconnects, the database reverts his equipment to the starter gear.

    same problem still occurs though, how to detect a server or client crash

  9. this is beyond the scope of the mod, as it would require engine changes which would not benefit the arma2 community as a whole

    Currently, the more savvy server admins are locking then unlocking the servers to let small numbers in per unlock until,the server is full. This is somewhat improving the situation on those servers. I suspect the real issue is the data transfer queue between the game server and the central database server

  10. Every Zombie game needs baseball bats

    To implement this however would most likely require a new animation


    Modelling, and texture: A doddle to any 3d modeller

    You could even have a decent variety, with nails in etc

    Animation: there maybe one that would do the job, there are hundreds in the engine, if not a new one

    Config: the baseball bat would be a weapon class

    Magazine: would be one of the hidden type magazines that does not take up an inventory slot, with unlimited ammo

    Ammo: would have 0 or nearly 0 splash damage

    and a short range

    A fired event handler would detect the target using "cursorTarget"

    Run the animation and providing the range of the weapon is correct, the zombie (Or a player, or even a cow) would take damage.

    Now that would be a fun weapon, could have gang wars outside of shops etc

    and i could crack the skulls of the two forum members that gave me a negative reputation, for what I have no idea

  11. If you knew where to look, the other mags are fairly easy to find.

    Typically most players hang around the south coast towns and sometimes venture north, with the odd trip to the airfield.

    Once you have a knife and matches and know the better more isolated loot spots, there is no longer a need to venture anywhere but the woods and the odd open field to kill a cow

  12. At the end of the day, if someone has bought, or rented a server with their own money, its not up to someone who wont put their hands in their pockets to tell them how to run it.

    I have a server which cost £2,500 and I'll be damned if some whining kid has the right to tell me how I should run a server.

    If you aren't happy, get a job, buy a server then you can do as you like.

  13. Actually I have sent an email in and I should not have taken the first reply by Leechman to have been accurate. It seems that BigValco has a better understanding of Rockets intentions.

    But if the mod was to continue just offering the type of gameplay that it currently holds, which I now assume it will not then there would be no point in setting my/our zeus server up to host this mod as a fair proportion of the zeus community, which the server runs for willl not be interested in playing it for very long.

    There has aready been a drop in interest from it from some of our members because of the lack of a higher goal than just surviving.

    This however is detracting from the initial post that I created and would like to get it back on track

  14. what is it with the insults been thrown around. Isn't what you just did against the rules of this forum and why would you do this, are you a personal friend of Leechman.

    I was trying to explain, my reason for using the term teamkilling, which obviously was misunderstood In the arma community it is used to indicate you have killed someone on the same side as you, which is why I then explained the sides.

    I think this is me leaving this conversation before I start throwing insults about.

  15. Its no hassle for a server admin to edit his server config to state this in the gamespy browser, if they so wish. It is not up to players to define how other players should play or be so agressive towards a forum poster either. For a newcomer to the mod, playing during the daytime does help them to learn the ropes, it also has disadvantages

  16. There is no "teamkilling"

    This is a SOLO survival mod with zombies. There are no teams for teamkilling to even occur.

    Your suggestion turns the game from a solo survival mod with zombies where other players need to be' date=' and are a genuine threat, into a team deathmatch survival game with zombies.



    Lets not start having a tantrum.

    I know this engine very well, I've been playing the BI engine for over 10 years, I've created a lot of missions for it, addons etc and I run a community server. So I have probably more idea what and how the arma communuty does things than someone who most likely bought arma to just play this mod

    How will having an additional side stop players killing anyone or change what is occuring at the moment. It simply wont, unless the individual player decides to change their own style of gameplay.

    Adding additional elements simply adds more options. Players like options, even if you dont. Please dont throw a wobbler just because you disagree with someone elses opinion

  17. There are 4 teams/sides in the arma engine, West, East, Resistance and Civilian. oh and logic, but thats a little different.

    At the moment all the players are on the same side, so every time a player kills a player regardless of whether or not he is a bandit or not, is in actual fact Team Killing.

    By utilising the other sides, this would bring in an additional element to the game which is very easy to implement.

    What you are actually playing ingame is a mission for the arma2 dayz mod.

    Go into the editor, you can recreate this mission, modify it and create something different if you so wished. This will ofcourse occur anyway in the future

  18. For those of you that are comparing this to other games, remember this is purely a mod of ArmA2.

    ArmA2 is a milsim, the engine has limitations because it wasn't designed to be an mmo

    So adding Player created missions etc is probably beyond the scope of the engine.

    A GUI however that lists available taksk and then monitors when the player/group has achieved that task is doable fairly easily.

    These side tasks, with a higher aim, eg for a faction to WIN, would not effect the gameplay that is currently being seen. iIt would however, with the ability to form groups, which the engine is more than capable of, would create a different angle for players who want to go down that route. It could also, using 2 different sides, which the engine already has inbuilt, may reduce some of the "Teamkilling" that the kids seem to just want to do, and have their intentions more focused on killing the opposing faction. That would improve game-play immensley without removing the bandit element

  19. I wasn't aware of this, and this is a shame, I strongly believe, based on 10 + years of running an OFP/Arma/ArmA2 gaming community that this will be a mistake.

    Some members of my community have already stopped playing this mod for that reason.

    They've found the gear, hunted in parties, killed zombies and bandits and then got bored with it.

    I had sent an email to offer our server as a host for this mod, I may now need to rethink this

    The Bohemia engine is a milsim, much more than a 1st person shooter, its all about working in teams to accomplish goals.

    The entire engine is designed around this.

    Maybe this is mod is a trial for some greater functionality that BIS intends to develop and implement, after all, isn't rocket a BIS Dev

  20. Using 2 player sides, you could assign 2 different spawn areas

    Spawn points could be changed to North West corner of map for Faction A and North east corner if map for Faction B.

    This would shift the main area of play away from the two large towns in the south

    Without some form of higher aim, once you have figured out and collected all the best equipment the gameplay could and seems to be a bit monotonous

    The arma engine is so modifiable, much more can be done here

  21. That's called a tent' date=' which is currently available in the mod. It's local to the server and isn't really "personal" however.

    I don't think rocket want to add private storages tho...


    The tent is too obvious making it almost unuseable, even moreso especially when servers are being rebooted at the rate they are.

    Ammoboxes are not personal, their content is lootable and other players can find them.

    As in real life weapons caches can be buried. Its just a better way imo than a tent, which I personally don't use because if the reasons given above
