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Everything posted by shcipwa

  1. shcipwa

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    My L85A2 was also missing, Strange thing is after grabbing a new weapon, pressing F can actually select the L85A2, but new weapon remains in hands and cant shoot.
  2. shcipwa

    Guillie gone 1.7.2

    +1 Lost mine too
  3. I had a similar problem, I had a gun equipped, picked up a crowbar, Crowbar appeared as primary weapon but gun dissapeared from slot Gun still shows in hands, and operates fine (also works fine in scrollwheel swtich to secondary and back) pressing F toggles between destroyed weapon and crowbar Crowbar doesnt attack when selected
  4. I can confirm I also had gillie suit pre patch, now I am civillian again (same as my mate) I also had the thermal sniper / assault rifle pre patch, post patch nothing in my hands. Since picking up another weapon, I can press F and toggle to the weapon I lost up in the top right of the screen, but the gun in my hand stays as the new weapon and cant shoot. Lastly I picked up a crowbar while holding a shotgun, my shotgun dissapeared from my inventory, crowbar replaced it, but the gun is still in my hands. I can now F cycle through, Old thermal scope gun, crowbar and my new shotgun though only 1 shows in my inventory I guess its an alpha so no point complaining, just not sure where to post these bugs at
  5. Yesterday I managed to find my first car! After hunting around on foot to find wheels, then repairing it and started driving around, I quickly realized how powerful this superfast mobile tent is... The thing that struck me as incredibly overpowered was the fact that cars can store so many items, including car parts. I'm not sure on the exact limit as I never reached it in the armored SUV, it seemed that this vehicle was the ultimate machine for finding more vehicles. You can cover every vehicle spawn in 30 mins of driving, all while carrying enough materials to repair any vehicle to full health. In the interest of balance, you would think that a finite resource like vehicles should have diminishing returns for players to prevent hording them all. The current build is the opposite, once you have your first car, finding more becomes trivial. So in an active server trying to find a vehicle, players on foot that can travel at like 10k per hour carrying at max 2 car tires and some scrap metal has to compete with other players who travel at 100k and can carry a seemingly infinite amount of gear. What I propose is to greatly limit the carrying capacity of car parts for a vehicle to prevent this snowballing effect. Repairing cars will still be easier for players with other cars already, but the gap will not be so massive. It also increases the chance that a car will be wrecked beyond repair because you wont have 4 spare wheels, a fueltank, engine parts, scrap metal in the boot for whenever you crash. tldr; Don't let cars carry car parts.
  6. Last time I broke my leg, morphine didn't fix it, its a game, the metagame needs balance. Btw do you have enough spare parts in the boot of your car to replace anything if it fails? + every item you own?
  7. shcipwa

    Nonlethal Weapon

    Just posted this as a feature in the bug tracker thought I would chuck it here too to get some feedback. I propose a non lethal weapon to disable a target temporarily, opening up the possibility to: A) Give players that value their humanity an insurance policy against getting shot when they can act first in confrontation B) Allow players to stick up other players without killing them An example implementation of this weapon would be a tazer, that on successful hit, knocks the target unconscious for 60 seconds or so. Giving the shooter time to move out of the area, or rob the target blind. I think this would give a nice alternative to always shoot first which seems to be the only logical option right now
  8. shcipwa

    Limit vehicle saving to 1 per player

    Does a saved vehicle prevent it from respawning?
  9. shcipwa

    Nonlethal Weapon

    My bad, here I was thinking I was uber original
  10. shcipwa

    Banditry and co-operation.

    I think the concept is sound, but creating objectives for the player other than survival really takes away from the core of a game like this. What you describe already happens naturally, bandits group together and cause havok for others, people pissed at the bandits band together to fight back. The main aspect lacking in this game (far as I know) is the ability for organization and communication in game. This is easily done through things like ventrilo or teamspeak, but if the game supported this banding together I think what you described would happen naturally and more often. Another shortfall in grouping with other players is how difficult it is to identify your friendlies from stranger / enemies. A gang/club/group could be formed in game to give all players a similar colored stripe on a skin making different groups in a specific server recognizable and create more of a community in server. But this all goes against the concept of non server bound RPG that you can play in different servers with different group structures etc. Just rambling anyway.