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Everything posted by Rollonio

  1. you can get it from steam but you need ARMA2: Combined Ops or ARMA2: free + operation arrowhead
  2. Rollonio

    Transportation required.

    lol, i doubt someone is going to risk a heli on an unknown for meat and soda
  3. Rollonio

    Looking for M107 AS50 or SVD

    why would you want an SVD? DMR is superior in all but concealment Bigger clip Double zoom compatible with NVG common ammo
  4. >160m but given the small amount of ammo per clip not a very effective option for Zombies
  5. Rollonio

    [Video] It's a warzone at the NW airfield

    too bad you dont have a shot of the player list
  6. Rollonio

    Suspicious phenomenon

    You've got to give that hacker points for creativity: he wanted a better angle and made one :D
  7. Rollonio

    Some things I would love DayZ to add.

    You mean in addition to all the tents already out there with way more stuff in it?
  8. Your DayZ character is saved at the hive server and linked to your CD key, so as long as you use the same CD key you'll have the same character.
  9. Rollonio

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    too green, did not read
  10. Rollonio

    guys...any idea where the fuuuu I am?

  11. Rollonio

    guys...any idea where the fuuuu I am?

    That church is in Kumyrna.
  12. Rollonio

    Get hungry/thirsty when disconnected.

    Did you disconnect right after eating/drinking? If so it didn't synch.
  13. Rollonio

    Dayz Train

    Should be on of those hand operated train carts:
  14. It's called shoeleather.... Just walk the W & N of the map. Think about where you would place a camp: a ) Should be far enough from anything of interest so random scavengers don't find it. b ) Should be easy to locate if you know where to look: Using non-loot spawn landmarks for example c ) Should be difficult to see from a distance: in valleys, in dense bunches of trees or bushes. (many of these bunches are at the edge of forests)
  15. Rollonio

    Hacked Guns, what are the consequences?

    No consequences for picking it up, as long as you don't spawn things you are fine. You should place any hacked items on a dead body and then perform the "hide body"action
  16. Rollonio

    Strange noises...

    The game will player random sound animations sometimes like eating and drinking even if you aren't doing it. Usually you won't be able to hear it but players around you will. If you and your friend heard it at the exact same time that means a 3rd player was nearby.
  17. Damn, hell of an employment strategy for a medic: Snipe them then run in to heal them... why don't you just run them over with an ambulance.
  18. I think it got covered in blue portal 2 goo...
  19. Rollonio

    Hacker shot out of helicopter with M104

    I think he ALT-F4'ed ... No kill message
  20. Rollonio

    A Better Alternative to Levelling

    Personally I don't care for a leaderboard but I know lots of people want a comparison. Additionally, I think we should focus more on co-operative stats: People bandaged / Broken bones fixed / Blood bags administered / distance transported Make these a large number of stats and people will vie to improve them.
  21. Rollonio

    Game Is Unplayable in Populated Servers

    Nothing can be done in DayZ's current form and yes it is unfortunate. Generally I play on HARDCORE servers (no 3D, no CH, no waypoints, no Tags), which cuts down but doesn't eliminate hackers.
  22. Rollonio

    Jesus Sniper in US 500

    Don't mess with Octopos, he can hold 8 pistols or 4 rifles simultaneously!!!
  23. Rollonio


    My approach to Stary Tents & NWAF: In general, I avoid going there. I'd rather spend the time looking for crash sites (particularly if the server restarted recently) and the edge of the map looking for tents. You'll find much better gear and vehicles in camps but it does take time and patience. But if I go to loot I follow this approach: a ) Go on a moonlit night: so much easier to avoid avoid zombies. If completely dark, use RED chem-lights. b ) Bring a tent & set it up some place out of the way and well hidden about 500-1000m away from those locations c ) put all the stuff you are not willing to lose into the tent. Usually I just keep my handgun, bandages, 1 food/water, morphine. d ) Move within 200m and spend a few min scoping for other players. Check the player list. e ) If you see a player, kill him if possible. Otherwise, move as fast as possible through your objectives keeping best cover in mind. The vast majority of times I have died at the airfield has been inside the barracks because i took too long. f ) leave as fast as possible to the woods, make sure you are not followed, go back to the tent.
  24. Rollonio

    Recommended Amount of Gear?

    He means sidearm ammo.