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About CmdSheperd

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. It is sounding like i got scripted. I'll be more wary about which servers I join for now on then.
  2. Really? I'm pretty ignorant about how all that works. Maybe you could enlighten me a little? I mean what would be the purpose? To get my stuff? To troll me by killing me? Or is it more nefarious than that, someone trying to get me kicked/banned like you said? Hopefully if that is in fact the case, the scripting gets a priority by the devs. I'd hate to think how easy it must be then to get random people banned, and if that is the case would it be a server ban, or can someone messing with a script theoretically get someone battleeye banned?
  3. Thanks for your reply man. Is it possible to have 2 different characters on one account?
  4. Bit of info: Version Can't remember the server name, but it was also running version Something very strange happened to me last night. I was checking NW airfield out, when all of a sudden out of nowhere my character drops, and the screen goes black for a couple seconds. There was no you're dead message, there was no need to abort and disconnect to respawn, it did it on its own. The REALLY strange thing is though, I respawned inside the radio tower in Balota Airfield with an alice pack full of food, drink, back up mags, and some medical supplies. I also had an inventory full of food drink and ammo for a main weapon (stanag ammo) as well as bandages and about 5 clips of g17 ammo, but no guns. I wasn't shot when I dropped, I know that because when it had happened I was on the ground floor of the fire station in NW Airfield under the stairs. I had already swept the upper floors, and all 4 doors were closed. So I couldn't have been sniped, and there definitely wasn't anyone in there ith me. I'm a little annoyed because I had REAL nice gear on that character, but I know it's a mod in Alpha stage, these things will happen. I'm wondering though, has this happened to anyone else? Dropping out of nowhere, not getting a you're dead screen, and auto respawning somewhere else as another character already carrying tons of supplies?
  5. That's cool, I don't care that you don't care. And stuff.
  6. See? you knew exactly what you were getting into by reading my topic title. Thing would run a lot smoother if you would stop making your topic titles "WTF, problem, weird, glitch" etc. Be specific. For example, if you're having problems installingthe mod, and label your thread "hmm : / " chances are, less people are going to click on your thread, and your chances of being helped or noticed, drop significantly. This is just friendly advice, not rage. The more specific you can be right off the bat, the better your chances are of getting the time of other people who may be able to help you. Come on people surely you can't argue against this, and "Together, We Can Help Prevent Forest Fires. -SmokeyBear, The.