Hi there, For a while now I've been looking for a 100% Vanilla DayZ server in Chernarus. After coming back from a break that's proven to be a challenge. There are so many servers out there now which are cheaty, seem to be boosting the whole PvP aspect by giving over powered start outs, including so called 999 vehicles, Auto bloodbag etc. I've found some Vanilla servers but they're either too laggy, get hacked on a regular basis or the settings aren't quite right for me e.g Regular mode. I thought I would give setting up my own server ago and try and start up a community of players who want to play Vanilla DayZ whether their bandits, heroes or base makers. I also have some Anti-Hacking installed so it will hopefully stop those hackers from ruining our experiences. Heres some Info on the server: Max Players: 50Physical Server Location: FranceTime : GMT-8Restart timer: 6 hoursDifficulty setting: VeteranAnti-Hack InstalledSidechat: On (May disable later to add more realism to the game)Hope to see you in the nasty world of Chernarus :) Find us on DayZ Commander - EU 645 - Vanilla DayZ | Anti Hack | Active Admins | Noobs Welcome | Side Chat | Private Hive | Vehicles | [GMT-8][Veteran] IP -