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About Henners

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Henners

    Stuck in "wilderness"

    It's happened to me too; so frustrating!
  2. Henners

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    I'm afraid that after a ten minute wait, I too haven't received an e-mail... so I am hoping to take the example of the earlier applicant on this thread and just write my app here: Application - Henners Nickname: Henners Time Zone: GMT Steam Name: Servitar Do You Own A Working Microphone? (For Mumble): Yes How Active Are You On Games?: In the past I was only able to commit the odd evening/occasional afternoon due to my degree... however, my final exam at University is this Thursday and then I am *free* :) DayZ Name: Henners Best DayZ Roll (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting): Despite experience with Operation Flashpoint and ArmA 1 & 2, I wouldn't say I've had enough first-hand experience with Day Z to assign myself a role. I'll put it out there that I am patient and inclined to spend twice the time sneaking than take the quicker route of running in blind. I'd say I am suited for Overwatch, Spotting or as a Scout, but I can't speak for my marksmanship as I have yet to partake in pvp with my rifle. I can fly choppers just fine on vanilla ArmA but I doubt I'd be allowed near the controls of one for a long while yet, should I get in! How would you define your skill/experience in DayZ and ArmA2?: I've bought every Bohemia game on release and, although I rarely played them online, I am familiar with the controls and functions to the degree that, unlike the influx of players that are currently flocking toward the mod, I don't tend to do things I don't intend to (like accidentally sprint when behind a zombie) Due to only finding out about Day Z in the midst of my finals, my total time ingame has only been approximately six hours, five on one life. I have, however, spent a great deal of time reading others' experiences and learning all that I can. I had been aiming to spend some more time out in the north, as I am currently near Pavlova, but some close-shaves after the latest patch's adding of hordes of Zeds has impressed upon me the need to speed up my plans and find a decent group of comrades to play with, as it's just too risky to survive alone right now. Despite my limited play time, I'd say I'm more skilled than the great bulk of newcomers because I understand the necessity of a patient and stealthy play-style. In the few groups I did form with newcomers, it quickly became apparent that a great deal of them did not understand that one shouldn't sprint around in cities attracting every Zed in sight, the great majority don't even seem aware of the game's mechanics. As a result I've felt inclined to avoid other players altogether, though, as I said, I now find myself in need of comrades. Why Do You Deserve This Membership?: Because I am the level-headed guy you need behind you. I'm not going to flip out and attract unnecessary attention. I exercise discretion in my targets and know when and when not to engage. Caution is my motto and I think it's why I've only succumbed to one PvP death in my few hours of play. I've kept in the North, off the beaten track and had done fine as a result. Finally, as an Englishman, I speak English... that's pretty much my prime reason for gravitating toward US servers. You may also assign me any patronising niche as 'the English guy'... though nowadays there's rarely just one of us... What Is Your Current Humanity?: The default value, I have yet to kill anyone. Not because I don't feel inclined to do so, but, in the few opportunities I've had, I've not felt it necessary to kill anyone. My one encounter with a player (my first) resulted in a pistol to the face as soon as I asked if he was friendly. Other actual contacts resulted in cooperation and, though I do intend to adopt the motto of 'if he's in my way, shoot him', I will not go back on my word and betray a teammate. Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?: At the end of the day I don't feel any need to troll or exercise malice against others. 'No hard feelings' would certainly echo my sentiment if I took anyone out. I say that, upon contact with another player where you have the bounce on them, one should let them be unless they are headed your way/hanging around or stand risk to harm you, your teammates, or get at your objective before you can. Oh, and if he has a shiney gun... well, sorry, but moving up in the world is always a nice thing :P A Link To Your Most Impressive Screenshot: I'm revising right now for my last exam tomorrow, but if you watch this space, I'll endeavour to take one this evening ;)