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Wabid Wabit

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Everything posted by Wabid Wabit

  1. Wabid Wabit

    Wipe tents, not player hive.

    Just got a Private Hive - Problem solved for me :P
  2. Wabid Wabit

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    Doesnt always work - Seems to me the ones you cant remove are at the Barracks all the F'ing time
  3. Wabid Wabit

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Dont forget about the M136 Launcher with Silencer and 100 round clip I traded you :)
  4. Wabid Wabit

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    And find a Mountain Dew
  5. Wabid Wabit

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    Wow - Spawn camping - So cool man - I wish I was part of your awesome group ;)
  6. Wabid Wabit

    DayZ Commander ??

    Go here and create an account - Once created add the Server IP and Port and ask for it to be added - I did and it 2 days and it was on, The creator mentioned that it takes up to a few weeks because he gets updated on IP's every week or so http://forums.dayzcommander.com/ Also you can Manually add it for you and your friends under Favorites - Top Left put in IP and Port and it will find it I kinda like this becuse it keeps my New Private Hive hidden for a while and Six Updater doesn't have it listed either - Updater is the cause of many wrong BattlEye Script Kicks so stay away (<<<My Opinion Only) Hope this helps and Happy Hunting
  7. Wabid Wabit

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Probably a Script Kiddo with God Mode and Insta Kill Hack
  8. Wabid Wabit

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    I feel you pain - Here is an example - Skip to 9:48
  9. Wabid Wabit

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    Or you have to hit them after a Server Restart - Funny thing is there is actually a site that notifies you when a favorite Server has restated - LoL https://dayzmonitor.com/index.php?lang=en#restarts_top
  10. Wabid Wabit

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    http://inwithskin.com/cheaters-can-still-prosper :)
  11. Wabid Wabit

    DayZ CampTracker

    I would use it but I cant remember where I put all my Tents and the f'ing dog ate my notes :(
  12. Wabid Wabit

    Free Gear IS GONE

    So I rented a Private Hive and decided to shut my other Server down - There are 3 Tents with good gear, Gunz, NV.s Gillies and so on, also there are 2 Hacked weapons that I found on the server - Please be nice when looting,- I know I cant force no Friendly fire - So all be careful - Locations are 038-038 039-038 037-038 - Pic included on where abouts LoL forgot the server - US 2739
  13. Wabid Wabit

    Free Gear IS GONE

    I will check when I get home
  14. Wabid Wabit

    Free Gear IS GONE

    I was in as I posted this and they were there = Only had 4 peeps in the Server since - I did restart to change ping max 100 to 500
  15. Wabid Wabit

    Free Gear IS GONE

    About 4 L85's :) - Yah, I'm a Hoarder - And the tents aren't nothing - You should see my Basement and Attic :)
  16. So I have been thinking about this for while and the Company I rent a Server from offered me a great deal - Trade my server for a Private Hive - I can lock it and do what I please (DayZ Police Please Confirm :) ) I would rent the Server ask politely for 19 to 29 friendly players to have access and create 2 groups - Yanks and Rebels (even though I was born in VT - The like the name Rebel better - It sounds meaner and I am a RedSox Fan - Not Yankee Fan LoL) We all gather gear make our Camps (My Team would have Devils Castle :) ) once both teams decide we are good and geared up we split the map in Territory's and defend - Yes friendly has changed BUT with rules. I know things may change to peeps having great ideas to add but I just wanted to throw this out there and if I get enough good reply's and peeps wanting to participate I am all for it - I will pay for the Server. So hows about it - Trollers are welcome to degrade the idea also - I still love you too ;)
  17. I will keep that in mind - TY
  18. Wabid Wabit

    Passing tents...

    I rent it out to the next homeless person I come across :)
  19. We would decide 2 different characters - Maybe Male - Female (Except she cant wear Gillie yet I believe) Or Old man vs Red Head with glasses
  20. I idea of being private is to keep the script Kiddies at bay - Dont get me wrong, I dont hate them and I know no matter what hackers will be around with new and exciting, mind blowing features that we cannot avoid, but i will certainly try me hardest
  21. Wabid Wabit

    Looking for a spare ghillie

    If you still dont have one at 6pm EST PM me and I can give you one - I am on the Trader & Traitor as good - Be cautious
  22. Wabid Wabit

    A question.

    No matter what is done to prevent the hacks today tomorrow they will have new ones - Its an adrenaline rush for them to see what they can get away with and come to these posts like this and LTAO at all the comments and new posts - So even if Rocket hired the best Anti-Hack company in the World tomorrow would be new scripts and so on, and so on, this will never stop, there will always be hackers in games that attract the most people, we as players just need to get use to that and try to still enjoy ourselves so they dont see us as defeated.
  23. Wabid Wabit

    Traders and Traitors

    Did another great fast and safe Bonehead3535 +1
  24. Wabid Wabit

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or M14 Aim

    I love that Aim - 3 Favs are the Aim and M4A3 cco, and M4 Acog - To me they are like mini snipers, very accurate and powerful - I like to use the M4 sd with the Acog as backup