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Wabid Wabit

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Everything posted by Wabid Wabit

  1. I was just offered the Map for .eu and had no idea the differences - Thanks BTT' I think this makes a better game, and 2017
  2. Wabid Wabit

    Tavi Loot

    I updated to Tavi and I came across a Castle outside Novy Bor which is 2 Lvls and I was told Military Loot spawns there, where does it spawn inside? I have entered the building and found nothing at all, even in the 2 little rooms 2nd floor, I have left the location and came back and still nothing, I even walked out 60m and waited a half hr and still nothing, what am I missing? Thank you
  3. Wabid Wabit

    Tavi Loot

    It looted this am - Yahoo
  4. Wabid Wabit

    Tavi Loot

    Its my Server and I know all the others haven't seen it, they are to busy at the other side of the Map building a base and there are only the 6 us of us since I updated, also I have tried a Shut Down and Start and even if they were there I am sure they wouldn't take everything (cans, Ammo for other guns, Ect...) Thank you though for the suggestion
  5. Wabid Wabit

    DayZ Taviana.com 2.0 Release!

  6. I have a new Takistan Community Server from Survival Servers which Players can bounce from one to another Takistan Community Server from Survival Servers with gear, also will be a permanent Takistan server so you can call home. It has max vehicles ready to roll, no parts or gas needed, Helis, Planes, HUmVs and so on the IP is, chat is on so please dont abuse Global, use Commander to launch and make sure you updated to match the Server and once at lobby wait for BattlEye to say Updated and enjoy. Server info 99153 Recruit-No CH, Yes 3rd Peep, also Care packages, Loot at Vehicle Wrecks and so on
  7. Wabid Wabit

    Takistan SurvivalServers Community Hive

    Total of 207 plus 4 Heli's
  8. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    So if it is an Official Hive and not Private then it has to be the clients in my opinion, they need to make sure they are updated to match your Server with DayZ update which was my issue for a while until I figured it, also they need to make sure that they are waiting until the BattlEye is done in either updated if they are not current or finished initializing in the lobby before they launch which was another issue for me, after I figured both of those out I was all set ans haven't had issues again until I got a Private Community Hive which learning the Map updates and changing them was a pain is Azz = Hope this helps, also I love your product -
  9. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    Nice - Mine is - Has Uterus right now :) Thanks
  10. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    Thank you for the update - If we are all Survival Servers does anyone have a Community one like I? Wouldn't mind bouncing a Server every once in while
  11. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    That would be great - Thank you
  12. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    No, I was afraid I would have the same issues so just use BattlEye and watch logs again :(
  13. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    I do have a Community Hive it was happening on SurvivalServers (I believe the best Host Company Out There, I have tried almost all of them ) and I resolved the issue by removing BEC/AntiHax, uninstalled all map updates and uninstalled Bliss 4.0 and re-installed Bliss 4.0 and Map Updates, the only issue I have now is when I try to change the map to Celle and I or anyone joins the Server we get a big message about the key is invalid for this Server but I can join other Celle Servers( didn't like the map anyways :) So the other 6 Maps I have work fine
  14. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    Actual Message I see in Rcon - has been kicked by BattlEye: MPEventHandler RemoteExec Restriction #0
  15. Wabid Wabit

    Server side infinite loading screen.

    Do you use Rcon Tool? I have the same issue with all maps but Lingor, Utes, and Cherno - When I log in to Rcon I see I get booted on launch saying "That Guy kicked by Rcon Restriction #0 Remote something or another Bla Bla Bla" - I have done the same as you on re-install and I always make sure I am updated same as Server - Even if I am not logged into Rcon I still get the Loading Screen - I have a Community Hive through Survival Server and I am about to ask for a restore to day 1 as a new client - This all started for me when I installed the Bec and Anti Hax and Whitelist Pro - I have un-installed all also but still get the issue..
  16. PM sent - Sounds great - Thanks
  17. Does anyone use or know of a Host service that has Lingor Private Hives and you can pay with CC oe Google Pay and not Paypal - I have used Eplis which is great but doesn't have Lingor or any other Map but Cherno and I now have LowPing which has been a disaster :( No maps have worked but Cherno... Any help would be well appreciated Thank you
  18. I am looking for a steady, friendly as possible Lingor Island Private Hive Server - The open ones I choose goes down for days, they change settings all the time, kick for no reason - I am a friendly and want to play on a Server that is consistent and hopefully hack free, I know I am asking for a lot but there has to be a few out there, I have a Cherno Private Hive that is consistent and hack free but the Company I rent from does not offer other maps yet or I wouldn't be begging (LoL) I have only had a chance to play on this map for a total of 20 mins which is nothing Thanks for reading.
  19. Wabid Wabit

    Wanted - Lingor Island Private Hive

    Thank you - I love to see this, made my day
  20. Wabid Wabit

    Wanted - Lingor Island Private Hive

    Kerbs is - But thank you anyways for the scare (LoL)
  21. Wabid Wabit

    Wanted - Lingor Island Private Hive

    Is it locked? Thank you
  22. Wabid Wabit

    Wanted - Lingor Island Private Hive

    Thank you - I will check it out
  23. I subscribe to many Commentators on You-Tube and I thought I would give it go - I have always played on a XBX so I was nervous buying Arma just to play the game and when I found out I could use my controller I haven't went back to the XBX yet, well ok, I do watch my Comcast and Netflix but no games
  24. Wabid Wabit

    Can I ?

    I found a Generator in a camp - Can I turn on the lights at NW with it? :)
  25. Wabid Wabit

    Can I ?

    Thank you