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About Tox2401

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Tox2401

    Hackers with crossbows.

    Lol, just.... just lol to this thread
  2. Tox2401

    LU360 Hackers, ban please.

    Nabijem te na kurac sa tim tvojim upitnicima. English: GTFO with that retarted question mark spam EDIT: Moderator: this post refers to removed spam content.
  3. Only 4 zombis killed and you have full gear? You guys use scripts You guys are on some noob server with newbie difficulty, you see whitespots everywhere... I mean get some skill
  4. Date/Time: 27.7.2012 What happened: Version, none of military building texture aren't working both me and my buddy tried multiple locations (Balota airfield, deerstand near balota, military camp at Stary Sobor, NW airfield) on multiple servers. Where you were: Balota airfield, deerstand near balota, military camp at Stary Sobor, NW airfield What you were doing: Walking *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: I don't know exactly but we tried out atleast 6 of them *Your system specs: 8gb RAM AMD Phenom x4 955 AMD Radeon 6900 HD series
  5. Tox2401

    Shitty Framerate

    I use same CPU as my friend, I have more RAM, and better graphic card, he can run game on very high settings, and I'm getting terrible FPS sometimes on lowest
  6. Tox2401

    NPCs, Quests

    I don't like it :/ I'm sick of quests, they shouldn't be part of this game/mod.
  7. Tox2401


    I got that message few times, but never blocked me from playing on server, just ignore it...
  8. Tox2401

    Am I the only one?

    I had many issues with connection and lag, and losing characters and gear. But since and 94945 everything works smooth for me, atleast for now... :P
  9. Tox2401

    What should our next competition be?

    I love it!
  10. Tox2401

    Couple of suggestions to make it less of a deathamtch

    I don't agree with part zombies running inside buildings... Also adding more zombies won't change anything, because there's a lot of people that will reconnect just to lose zombies if they aggroed to much of them...
  11. Tox2401

    DayZ Screenshots!

    My first bear trap :D
  12. Tox2401

    Young bandit Tomo

    No, in every community, my username is Tox2401. I never used Tox, Toxic or anything similar, only Tox2401
  13. Tox2401

    Young bandit Tomo

    I don't get it...