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cm. (DayZ)

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Everything posted by cm. (DayZ)

  1. http://forums.bistud...055#post2207055 I highly suggest you all implement these changes ASAP. All the relevant info on how to set it up is there so I hope there will be no stupid questions... I have been using this system on our servers for a few days now and have seen a major improvement in detection, accuracy and speed and which bans can be applied. Sorry for editing, but please also see my post my other post; also: pinned. -- Jens
  2. No offence but unless you whitelist you're never going to prevent mass hacking and duping.
  3. cm. (DayZ)

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    Already I can see it's going exactly in the direction I thought it would...
  4. cm. (DayZ)

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    I can already see so many problems with this thread....
  5. You're a bit of a whiner to be honest. 40ms? oh my god. I can 100% guarantee you will notice to difference. Villayer offering 100 slot servers though.... definitely false advertising.
  6. cm. (DayZ)

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Um, why are you posting that question? Did you not read the very first link in the thread? All the answers are there.
  7. You have everything you need to ban that player right there... If they are not actually hacking but still type all that garbage than their IQ is too low to play computer games anyway.
  8. cm. (DayZ)

    Admins are able to?

    If you don't know what's possible then please don't post... For the majority of admins this is correct. Allowing privately signed pbo's on your server is easy, as is bypassing battleye (server end, not client). Having said that, 99.9% of admins will not bother with that so I wouldn't worry too much.
  9. If you use BEC it kicks them automatically...
  10. cm. (DayZ)

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    no, ammoboxbig and many others are all shitty public hacks. Ban away.
  11. cm. (DayZ)

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    I wouldn't start the banhammer just yet. Only things I have banned for so far is some guy who spawned like 50 grenades, and various others who have spawned ammo boxes, heaps of wire fence etc.
  12. cm. (DayZ)

    How to make a private hive?

    google harder...
  13. cm. (DayZ)

    How do I create a DayZ private server?

    google is your friend. There is nothing anyone from dayz can do about hosting a private server so go for your life.
  14. cm. (DayZ)

    AU1 / ANZ4 (Pretty much every AU/ANZ Server)

    Yes the servers are hit several times per day. Each time you guys get kicked for a script restriction on ANZ1-5 that is a malicious script being run on your character (apart from #54 I think). Some things are easy to stop, others are a bit more difficult e.g. certain types of server nuking. You'll probably notice it more on ausarma server because we have better anti-cheat than most others in the region (and globally I would say). So far we have 350+ bans and add about 5-10 new bans per day.
  15. cm. (DayZ)

    Help a n00b to use BEC

    Everything you need is included in the instructions. I seriously don't think it can be dumbed down any further than it is.
  16. Yes because logs can't be edited at all. Just stick to your own server and let BE handle the rest.
  17. cm. (DayZ)

    [Warning] Day Z radar malicious

    protip: an admin cbf waiting an indefinite amount of time for some random who may re-log in the same area... What if the player goes to a different server? I think some people take DayZ far too seriously. All this lynch mob against admins is not healthy for people who fucking pay to keep servers up for FREE for other people. Rather than having a go, why don't you realise that the current anti-cheat is not sufficient and using 3rd party tools can help in this area?
  18. Seriously you have no idea what you are talking about. edit: wtf is the point of having an image tag if it doesn't work.
  19. cm. (DayZ)

    [Warning] Day Z radar malicious

    hahahaahh this is so stupid. I have the source code for the program, it's not malicious at all. I could release "Arma2.exe" as a trojan on that site and it would get flagged, would you then go and make a thread telling everyone to uninstall arma 2 because it's malicious? Hilarity all around, so many nubs on this forum.
  20. cm. (DayZ)

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    how dafuq are people still being affected by this. This is server setup 101. Half of you expect to just throw up any old server and expect it to run 100%. If you had actually read (yes... you have read something!) the arma 2 server documentation you would have seen the solution to this "problem" before you even started your server. Believe it or not, running a server isn't as simple as installing the game. If your rcon password has been compromised then it's your own fault not BIS's or the dayz staff or anyone else. The script to download server files is as old as arma itself, it's nothing new.
  21. cm. (DayZ)

    Are these cheat scripts.

    doesn't prove a thing, again, they could have been added to the player by the hackers. I say could, because they may have been stupid enough to not use a bypass and thus would show up in the logs.
  22. cm. (DayZ)

    Are these cheat scripts.

    no, they were probably teleported by the person doing the hacking.
  23. cm. (DayZ)

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    Yes... the map! Bring back the map!
  24. cm. (DayZ)

    NL#500 problem with hacker called Allua Akbar

    Pfft, didn't even get the name right, it's allah snackbar!