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About ninjadave

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  1. ninjadave

    Increase the difficulty of zombies

    I think you're quite right. I could see all of these ideas implemented, but some are definitely better than others. I haven't seen this interview, thank you for the link. It does look like a few of these suggestions are pretty similar, which I would believe is a good thing.
  2. Sometimes I find myself with the barest of equipment and still do alright for myself. Some of these ideas are to amp up the difficulty in certain situations, but not let the player feel cheated. Zombies can smell blood ... up to 35m away. Causing a player to bleed might be enough to lure zombies to their position. Likewise, being hurt in a zombie fight will likely cause a bigger fight. Effectively injuring a player might be enough to win a fight. Badder zombies ... The zombie's equipment causes a stat difference. Military zombies have significantly more health (Headshots are still a one hit kill), some zeds might be holding something that may inflict more damage, such as farmer zombies holding hatchets. Some zeds can't be taken so lightly. Forest zombies ... Hunter zombies randomly roam 'popular' forested areas. They can (and will) keep snipers and deep forest survivors occupied. Loudly sniping or hunting can cause an unexpected fuss. Zombies have things ...Zeds may hold a few items rather than one, and sometimes tools. This makes zombie killing decently worthwhile, even in small towns with no items of interest. Zombie killing can now be a way of living. New methods of attack ... Hopper zombies and crawler zombies can bump into you, tripping you over (forcing you into prone). This makes them more of a threat and avoid them just a little bit more. More broken bones ... Breaking an arm will leave you much slower aiming, reloading, and attacking. Break a rib, and sprinting will be awfully difficult to do. Any decent bullet wound is now much more problematic. To be fair though, all of these seem much more preferable than breaking a leg. NOM NOM NOM ... Meatier foods such as sardines should give more blood, while things like cola should be less hydrating than water. Beans are all around healthy, and pasta - with all that sauce - should be partially hydrating. This makes food choice more strategical. Leftover turrets ... Leftover defenses, such as turrets or spotlights, should be left near the dead soldier bodies and/or camps. They can be used to camp a small area or clear out zeds. They also seem like a really good way to announce your presence in the city, if you're into starting firefights. Flare guns ... To launch road flares great distances. This lets you mark a player or light up an area way before you enter it. (I also realize flare guns don't shoot road flares in real life, its for simplifying) This can effectively counter NVGs... Or turn out hilarious, shooting it near unsuspecting bandits, letting the zeds say hello. New Status - On fire ... Getting hit directly with a flare gun (Or touching something on fire) has a chance to cause you to catch fire, causing bleeding, shell shock, and a bright zed attracting light. Stop drop and roll to put it out. Most likely would cause bunches of flaming zombies, but would also attract many more. Other changes - Removal of 'debug hud': Player/bandit/zombie kills should be displayed after you die. - No ammo counter (Rate of fire should remain, ammo can be seen in inventory) - Other small statistics: Amount healed, others healed, amount of food consumed, how much liquid consumed, etc displayed after you die. Thoughts?
  3. Honestly, I think that is way too intensely restrictive. There are better solutions.
  4. So summarized: Player can donate their own blood to another player, provided he has an IV needle thing. The issue is if you're going to need any item to do a risky transfer, why not use just a bloodbag?
  5. Yes. If you get the drop on someone, I'd like to know they are evil.
  6. ninjadave

    idea - late game

    The AI would be ArmA snipers, which have pretty decent vision. It would be somewhat difficult to sneak up close, but not impossible. The sound would let you know way before the snipers will. At the farthest range it'll just be irritating.
  7. ninjadave

    idea - late game

    I do love STALKER, but the idea is from a couple of games. I also just realized I accidentally posted this in the wrong section of the forum.
  8. ninjadave

    idea - late game

    This is just an idea I had, its not very extensive, but its something to keep players occupied late game: A stranded military base north-east, near the shore. It contains live military soldiers who, after being disconnected from the world for so long, will shoot anyone else on sight. The soldiers themselves have various Aks (Ak-74, AKM, etc) and makarovs (A few are even snipers), but the military grade supplies they guard have some good loot. Heres the catch. They are able to stay alive using a sonic emitter that drives away zombies. Unprotected ears hearing this device will cause severe bleeding and passing out. The ONLY way to avoid this fate is to use a rarely found silencing headset, which must be activated for use, and is automatically turned off when you log in. Even with the headset, the soldiers are pretty tough. Its really a high risk/high reward area, with a high cost to get in.
  9. ninjadave

    DayZ Stories

    We found a van northeast of stary sobor, but before we could get close enough, a ghillie suited person ran up to it. Looks like it had a flat tire and couldn't get it to move. I'm not at all a bandit (I've killed hundreds of zombies, but never a player), but this guy looked threatening. I took ~12 shots at him from 100 meters with my AKM. Then out of nowhere the van explodes. (I didn't shoot it) We followed him for a bit but gave up chase. My screen recorded decided to botch the framerate, so all I got is a screenshot. I've used the AKM quite a bit in ArmA, I don't really know how I missed..
  10. ninjadave

    DayZ Stories

    I went into Elektro looking for trouble. Ended up seeing someone under attack from zombies. So I began trying to save him, and ended up racking up 50 zombie kills, passing out twice, and breaking a leg. Worth it. Got a video of it all too! Whoever you are Shiva, I always appreciate meeting someone who isn't out to kill me. :cool: