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Everything posted by alternizator

  1. alternizator

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    we need tents :( and combat logging should be fixed :) really great job so far btw ta
  2. NickName : [JAG] Alternizator Age : 26 Clan/Community : JAG How many hours per week do you game? :at least 20, sometimes even 40 Why should we take you ? :i play a lot, played all the maps so far, been playing since about june. JAG is a good and small community, we play a lot together
  3. found stuff in the past 2 days, both on low and high populated servers...
  4. alternizator

    Looking for a someone to play with

    hey! i'm interested in joining u guys, if thats possible... tired of soloing and dying from bandits...