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Everything posted by wamdoodle

  1. As I am not Venthos, do not take these answers as the word of god (Venthos). About the same as normal. Maybe a few more. There are a few extra types. 3-4. 1-2 Hueys and 2 Littlebirds. No. No? I know that vanilla dayz has a bit of an issue with tents moving very slightly when the server restarts. Other than that I don't think any thing has changed.
  2. I never said any thing about being a hero and I wasn't butthurt. I killed you b/c it was funny and your death didn't matter. You were picked up and dropped back with the group in 3 minutes.
  3. The best part is that I told most every one else that I was going to do it and they didn't care. If you had been geared up or something, I probably wouldn't have.
  4. wamdoodle

    Banned from NOTD02?

    I am the friend he was playing with. Pretty sure that I killed one of them. At least I should have I shot him point blank with a DMR when he was coming up behind me. Either way, died and didn't get a murder but someone died around the same time. Name was a Japanese looking name starting with a Y. Tried to connect today and was banned (mine didn't state a reason).
  5. wamdoodle

    What tools do you carry?

    2 Smoke grenades: I hardly use them...used one to flee bandits once in Stary military camp...actually worked well..now I have to have 1 on me. 1 (10)Flare: These actually work well for getting zombies to move during the day. 1 Chemlight: Even during the day I go ahead and put on in my bags for when darkness falls. 1-2 Frag Grenades: They are rare enough and powerful enough to make room for. The first time I threw a grenade at all it was a frag...threw it well past a group of 5-6. It only stunned them. For a realism game, you can really chuck the suckers. (It's on their livestream somewhere.) 1*x Bottles: I will pick them up at the beginning of the game to help find those first few items.