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About TFK

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    On the Coast

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    Cherno? ^^
  1. Pointless topic. Since if he reads it. He'll probably be annoyed even more IMO.. >.>
  2. He should've made you all dinner. lol. It was funny. And it was a hacker for sure.
  3. TFK

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    That guy deserves a medal. No zombie please.. heh..
  4. TFK

    Fix the Zombies!

    Er.. It's in alpha. You'd probably see that kind of things, Yes the zombies are too goddamn fast, But if you make them the typical slow-as-hell zombs, You'd just be ruining the fun, Since they'd be easy picking (Unless you're suggesting massive hordes with slow walking zombies) I've had my fair share of running from them. It's fun heh..
  5. TFK

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey there. TFK right over here I'm 16, I'm new to Both ArmA and DayZ, But I find it very interesting, Looking forward to see ya in game! (Ain't a bandit. No need to shoot me ^^)